Niko and Indy - The Break-Up

[Suggested song for this chapter - 'Don't Speak' by No Doubt]

The team rode out of Stanley on their stolen horses, then set them free with a pat in the right direction, hopeful they would make their way back to their rightful owners.

Delphi was very focussed on keeping the goodwill of the people, and stealing their horses was not a good move.

They were deep in the bush, keeping off the roads and resting during the day so they could travel, and pamphlet drop at night.

Everyone laid out their swags, getting ready for a much-needed sleep, men in one group and women in another. Bogden would alert them if anyone approached while they slept.

"It's a relief to only worry about people when you're out in the open, instead of worrying what tubiàn might come across you," said Arrie to Loveday.