Fighting with the Clan

"I don't need rescuing," Delphi panted at Alton in annoyance. "I was holding my own!"

"Barely," he said dismissively.

"Well it was three on one!"

"Awh, you guys were moving in on the General's woman," called a fellow in the crowd.

Good man, thought Alton. Astounding powers of deduction.

"Can I leave you alone now, or do you plan on attracting another swarm of men?"

"Yes, yes! Leave me be. I've got this."

She launched herself at a lone warrior and Alton went back to the older men he was engaged in fighting.

The warrior she chose to attack turned to face her, and he happened to be a lot bigger and older than she had expected when she spotted him from behind.

Tall and muscular with a handsome face, he smiled when he saw her and immediately started backing her into a corner with far superior skills with his wooden spear.