With the brute finally still, Delphi dropped to her knees in the dirt, digging the combat knife into the ground to hold herself upright as she started to shake.
"Holy fuck," Niko mumbled from where he still lay after his dive to save his General. "I've never had a fight like that in my life, and I hope I never another one. That move of yours, General, what the hell? You killed him with my broken blade? What are you, superhuman or something?"
"Go back and get yourself bandaged up by Indy, Lieutenant," said Alton, looking at the man's shoulder. "That looks like it needs stitches. Thanks for the save there by the way."
Niko pushed himself to his feet. "I don't think you needed it honestly, but it was just instinct at the end there when we were fighting to stay alive."
Alton gestured for Niko to leave him alone with Delphi, who knelt, shaking, before the felled savage.