Venus Flytrap

"I've only got one pair of combat pants now," complained Delphi to Alton, as they approached the town of Bothwell.

"Yes, I noticed you got the ass torn out of another pair of pants. It's becoming a habit you really must break yourself of."

"You think I like being dragged along on my ass by man-eating tubiàn and woman-eating men?" she protested.

"Hm. No I don't think you like it, but I do want you to try harder to avoid it."

It hadn't escaped Alton's notice when they arrived back at camp that Brenner had been ogling Delphi with her ass hanging out of her torn pants and her t-shirt wrapped around her boobs.

Right up until he had set the fellow straight… that had been very satisfying!

He had standing now, to tell the bloke to fuck off.

"It's painful you know!" she complained. "This is the second time I've had gravel rash on my ass! It stings every time you sit down."