Falling from Bridgewater

The team traipsed down the railway tracks on the bridge, which was half road, half railway. Alton was in the lead, with Niko on rear guard duty.

They crossed onto the piece of the bridge that was the lifting span. There was a quaint little orange house on the girders above them, where the bridge-keeper used to live so that they could open and close the bridge when needed. Inside, were the bridge operating controls.

Alton had the binoculars and was using them to keep a careful eye up ahead of them, and along the river.

"Oh shit!" he cursed, "not again! Incoming! Patrol unit about to enter the bridge from the southern end!"

Niko had a careful eye to the north. "Incoming from the south too, General! They're going to sandwich us in the middle!"

"Alton, let's lift the bridge span and cut them off so they can't cross!" said Delphi urgently.

"Excellent idea! Everyone up to the house. We're going to open the bridge!"