There it was. It was pathetic really. A hedged confession, as if that helped me to back out if she wasn't interested.
It was the equivalent of, 'if you like me, then I like you too'. Was I still in grade school? I mentally kicked myself.
I pictured myself saying what I wanted to say; 'No Araminta, it's not all I want from you. I'll never be satisfied just being friends. I want to love you the way a good man should love a woman. I want you to love me back. Can you do it?'
Too late… The clumsy words had already been spoken and they lay between us like a grenade with the pin removed.
She looked at me and smiled. That seemed like a good sign? Or was she laughing at my clumsy words?
"What's that meant to mean?" she asked me. "Do you want more than friendship with me, or not?"