Delphi Turns the Tables [R18]


Delphi was enjoying the great pleasure of a warm shower after so very long on the dusty roads with only snatched baths in lakes and streams.

She sang to herself as she closed her eyes and let the warm water run over her face and hair. She reached for the shampoo and squeezed a generous dollop through her hair, tipping her hair over her head and lathering it from root to tip.

She squealed as she suddenly felt someone join her in the small shower cubicle, gripping her hips from behind.

"Shh, shh, shh," Alton crooned, "it's just me".

"Oh my God, Alton. My heart just dropped through the floor! How did you get in here? I locked the door to the ensuite."

"You think a lock like that can keep me out?" he laughed. "It only needs a coin to twist it open."

"Don't you think you should knock first and ask if you can come in?"

"No. I opened it without asking because I knew you'd say no."