Much to his disgust, Opal held Niko's hand as they wandered the Salamanca Markets, posing as a married couple, him in the tradesman disguise with a fake beard itching his chin.
"Can you let my hand go?" he hissed, looking frantically over in the direction of Indy and Baer to see if she had seen them.
"No," she said calmly, "we need to appear as an ordinary married couple. Of course we should be holding hands."
"I say we pose as the more traditional married couple, where the husband walks in front and the wife walks a few steps behind," he growled at her.
"Definitely not," she said implacably. "You heard the Generals. After Delphi's experience, us women are not to be left unattended out here for a moment."
"You won't be unattended, you'll be two steps behind me," he scowled at her.