Dimension Houdini, Ere

Tessa stirred beside him, a little sigh escaping her lips as she snuggled closer. Parker froze for a second, hoping she wouldn't wake up because dealing with Ere and a groggy Tessa at the same time? Yeah, no thanks.

{Master, I missed you. Come get me. I want to be back immediately! Also, I smell meat. Lots of meat, hehe~}

Parker groaned softly, his head falling back against the headboard. "Ere, for fuck's sake, what do you mean come get you? You're a literal shadow monster. You can pop up whenever you want!"

{Stupid master, as usual. Think, genius. How are you going to explain to the others that I suddenly reappeared out of nowhere after being gone for days? Use that tiny brain of yours.}

"Oh… right." He ran a hand through his messy hair, sighing. "Fine, I'll just say you were… in training. At some bougie pet training center or something."