Avery replied softly, "You would be at the center of the power struggle. You were still a child back then. It would do you good with such immense wealth." She paused before continuing thoughtfully, "In comparison, your sister was already an adult then. Additionally, the possibility of her inheriting the Moran Group was not high. Your mother made the wise choice of letting her take responsibility."
"You're indeed smart," Alexander sighed heavily in front of Athens for the first time. "My sister could only agree to the marriage alliance, but she had a condition. That was for her to be the CEO of the Moran Group. What happened after was pretty much like what the media said."
Avery's eyelashes trembled slightly, concealing her lamentation. Married or divorced, legends like Lucy had no free will. Thinking of that, she suddenly thought of the Carter family. The Carter family and the Moran family were complete opposites.