Avery lay on the bed. She was clearly very relaxed, but she could not fall asleep. What her father had told her kept echoing in her mind, reminding her of the Murphy family. Ever since she was young, Regina's most frequent words or comments to her were, "Why didn't your brother survive?" or "It's good that your brother survived." If she did well or won an honor, Regina would say with a rueful expression, "If your brother was still around, he would definitely be smarter than you and do better than you." If she did not do well or did not win—though this situation was very rare, as she would usually deliberately make mistakes or give up—Regina would say something like, "If only your brother was here, he would definitely not do so badly," with a disappointed expression. Every time this happened, Isaac would look at Avery with a regretful gaze and persuade Regina, "Don't say such things anymore. It's been so many years. It's time for you to let go."