Tears streamed down Linda's face as she lamented, "Unfortunately, something happened in my family. My parents forcibly took me away on our wedding day and locked me up, forbidding me from seeing Jaden." Her words were extremely moving, punctuated by tears and sobs, as she clutched her chest, her voice hoarse.
Avery didn't know whether anyone else would be touched, but she felt nothing at all. The more Linda spoke, the more agitated Avery became. Linda repeated the same tales of how she and Jaden fell in love during college, making grand promises to each other. She emphasized, "Back then, the Carter family was very poor. Jaden was incredibly filial. He would return to the countryside to care for his grandparents on weekends and holidays, leaving us little time to date, but I never complained.
"Whenever I had free time, I would accompany him to the countryside, helping him care for his grandparents and do chores.