chapter seven


"Who are you?" he asked angrily. My energy drained and I couldn't stay in wolf form anymore. I shivered as I became my human form and vaguely remember him commanding orders at others.

Not a second later, I was consumed into the darkness. But not before hearing my name being called out, I guess in shock or amazement.

" crya!" 


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Crya's pov

Opening my eyes to the small riffs of light that seemed to make it past his dark curtains... wait his! Like rockets out of a blue angel's jet, my eyes fall on Jordan's portrait. Oh! How did I end up here? Shifting my weight from one side to the other, trying to get out of his bed. 

I started to hear voices whispering but despite their whispers I could still make out what is being said.

"You don't seem to understand father, she can transform". He sounded shocked. 

"Why didn't she tell me about it? I mean I am her Mate I should know right, or I should feel it, which is it?" Too many questions and no one to answer. 

"Come down son, did you say she turned into a white wolf?"

"Yes, I felt the presence of a powerful wolf. I mean you and I are the only powerful wolves around here, any other person is an intruder, ... imagine sensing someone who is more powerful than you in your pack lands. I wanted to find out who the person was, so I started chasing the scent, only to find a white wolf running, but not as fast as the stories said. so, I rammed it into a tree, when the wolf turned It was fu*****g Crya." He sounded out of breath. 

"Have you told anyone else about this?" his father, the former alpha asked.

"No, I'm still in shock." Jordan replied.

"So, where is she now?"

"In my room, of course, I can't let that kind of treasure go."

"But you've already rejected her?"

"It doesn't matter. I can take her back."

"That's not what you need to do, all you need to do is forcibly mark and mate, then the rest is history, she will stay yours forever."

"OK dad, she should be getting up by now. You need to leave, and I don't want her to see you here."

I heard a tap, so I guessed it was Alpha Gideon parting his son on the shoulder.

 I nearly puked from disgust. One would think, with the way Jordan speaks, that he loves me, but he's just a sick person in the head.

I searched myself, trying to feel my inner wolf. When I found her, I asked her what we should do. She spoke briefly

"Just lay down and act as if you haven't woken up yet. Let's see what his intentions are."

I just mumbled an ok before laying back down.

But instead of Jordan, I could smell the scent of lavender, indicating it was a woman. I opened my eyes to see a woman, maybe in her early 40's walking in. She had beautiful black hair that flowed over her shoulders.

She wasn't very tall... maybe 5'3.

Beautiful green eyes and a small nose. She smiled sweetly at me, there was something about her. I was sure I had seen her before, it must have been with my mother but I can't quite remember her.

"Oh goddess my little crya"- She said, engulfing me in a tight loving hug.

Suddenly her scent hit me; roses and jasmine.

*Flash back*

"Crya hurry up, your aunty Stella will arrive any minute now!"-My mother said.

"Mama, I don't want to wear that dress, I don't like dresses. Why can't I just stay in pajamas?"- I whined

"Crya come on... it's not the time for tantrums. Are you not excited to see Aunty Stella, Uncle Steffan and Gabriel?"


"Then come on, let's get this dress on."

* Flash back ends*

That's all the memory I have of her or one could say that's the last memory I have of her, because that was the last time I saw her and my parents. I've always heard she lives here in this same pack, but I've not seen her since that day. She lives around the pack boarders but am yes to see her since I was like 3, Why is she here now?

I'm guessing she was sent by Jordan, but I don't know why he thinks sending her was a good idea, or it will work on me.

I moved away from her, looked her dead in the eye making sure she saw all the hatred in my eyes for her, then screamed out of my lungs.

As I was walking to school it stared to rain. "The moon goddess seems to love me" I said sarcastically.

I hate being in prison... I mean school.

Whoever discovered or invented it was and is a very very very very stupid person. What kind of person wants to sit in a room listening to a stranger talk about algebra. SURELY NOT ME!

As I was walking down the hall, I heard laughter behind me. I heard mean comments, but I ignored them. I don't give two sh**s about what people say about me... when I got to my locker I opened it and started getting my books.

Suddenly, someone slammed my locker closed. I am so lucky I took my hands out. If I didn't, they would be found inside the locker. I felt so happy as soon as I thought nothing else would happen, but I spoke too soon. I suddenly felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek. I fell on the ground in pain. I felt people kicking me in the stomach and head. I kept my screams and cries inside because I didn't want to show them that I was weak. People were taking video and laughing at me before darkness engulfed me.

The amount of light I saw when I opened my eyes was enough to blind me. Luckily, I closed them almost immediately, then I heard them being turned off before a voice said "it's turned off. You can open them now". I laughed before obeying her order.

"I didn't realize that I had to take orders from you now."

"And I didn't realize I had to visit your ass in the hospital instead of class" Sarah's mock voice said. 

I chuckled before asking "what happened?"

" Tiffany bitches thought it was a good thing to punch you till you passed out".

"Let them have this one. I don't plan on staying in this school for long. In fact, this might be my last week here."

"What are you saying, you still have one more year to finish?" Sarah sounded confused.

"I know, but it's not mandatory I finish that year here. I am going to die, Sarah".

"So what do you intend to do?"

"Is accepting me still a part of your plan if I leave the pack?"

Shock, then realization and excitement was written all over Sarah's face when she realized what I was asking her.

She screamed. I'm guessing from excitement because my ears went numb for few minutes. I shushed her to keep her voice down because I don't want anyone to find out, especially Jordan, as I recall what he said last night is enough to make me angry. 

Flashbacks :-

A worried-looking Jordan rushed into the room upon hearing my voice.

"Why are you screaming? Did anyone hurt you? What's going on? Calm down! What is happening?"

These were all the questions he asked, as if he cared

"What is she doing here?"

"Oh, that's your aunt."

I laughed "I know I don't have any who disappeared for the past 15 years of my life only to show up now that type of aunt is not my kind of aunt. So Jordan, once again, what are you doing here?"

"I called her. She's always been in the pack watching over you. So I thought ...."

"Don't you dare use that monologue on me, just answer the simple question. What is she doing here?"

When he saw I was not having any of his explanations, he then asked Stella to excuse us, so he could talk to me alone.

"Here's the thing, I know you don't like her and I know you don't like me as well, but going straight to the point, why didn't you tell me you can shift and not just to any wolf but to a powerful wolf like yours" he sounded out of breath talking.

I just chuckled then shut my eyes, reciting in my head a word or chant I learned from piping for a few seconds while they what an Indian movie or some Asian movie I can really tell from the angle am at or because I haven't seen many movies in my 18yrs of leaving. 

''OmOmPurnamadahPurnamidhamPunatpurnamucyatePurnasyaPurnamaadayaPurnamevaavashisyate Om Shanti Shanti Shanti''

 Apparently, (Om Shanti: This is a simple and powerful mantra that means "peace" in Sanskrit. Chanting this mantra can help calm the mind and reduce feelings of anger and hostility.) Which I am trying to stop myself from.

"Are you sure it was me you saw?"

"What do you mean? Am I sure you turned into your human form right in front of me!"

I guess calming down isn't on this guy's list of things to do today and with that I let loose if my anger and the shouting began.

It lasted for about 3 minutes, and it's not looking like it will stop anytime soon. I don't know what came over me, I pulled him towards me and kissed him hard on the lips. It did the primary job of shutting him up, but it didn't feel right to me:-

Legend has it that, when you kiss your mate, it is supposed to be electrifying, bringing out your inner monster wanting you to consume your union faster. 

But why can't feel any of these with Jordan? Just as the decision of kissing him randomly came to me, on instant, as if a lightbulb turned on in my head, the decision of pushing him off me came as well and, I sprang to the bathroom to probably get a hold of myself or calm myself.

I leaned into the cold spray of the shower, my mind wildly buzzing from the event that had happened only moments before.

What. The. Hell.

I had a lot of questions flying through my head, but those three words summed them all up pretty well.

What the hell did I just do?

Why did I just do it?

Why with him?

My first kiss! Giving to him.

These questions kept repeating themselves in my head, even though I already knew the answer to all of them.

I knew the answers but part of me didn't want to know them.

But regardless of what I wanted, the answers were as clear as day.

Frankly put, it was just because of her.

It was because he made me realize how absolutely good-looking he looked, shouting at us. 

"Don't put this on me Crya, you also wanted to do it as well."

"No I don't, you made me do it."

"If you don't accept, I am going to start singing in your head right now."

"Please don't, you are right, but good goddess, I know I haven't kissed a lot of people, but he's a really bad kisser."

Aurora burst into laughter at the back of my mind, making me laugh as well and eventually crying with laughter.

"You're a bad person, Aurora."

" I can't help it, Crya, you just said the exact same word I was going to say."

"So, we agree he's a bad kisser. "

"definitely, yes"

"What are we going to do now? He's going to think we like him, and he's going to approach us again, and I don't want that. "

After a few minutes of thinking, she came up with a plan and, with that in mind, I went straight to Jordan to tell him my mind.

 I finally got through to him with my talk, and he accepted to leave me be, for now, and be with his new chosen mate while I continue to go to school and think if I'm going to ever forgive him, at least that's what he thinks. What Jordan doesn't know is, I Epiphany Cyra, never goes back to my vomit and he, right now, is my vomit. I can just pick it up and lick it. I throw it away. I've made up my mind am giving myself one week to round up everything I'm doing in this pack, and I've also made up my mind I will leave CRESCENT HOWL PACK in one week.

Flash back ends:-

"When do you leave?" 

"In one week Sarah"
