A chilling feeling filled me up, unable to move any body part, goosebumps filled my body. I prayed to any living being available in the universe for my intuition to be wrong.
I prayed with every being in me that it shouldn't be who I think it is, that it be another person with the same voice.
Aurora tried to calm me down, but even she wasn't calm as well. It took me a whole lot of courage for me to check out if it's true. And when I did, I felt every emotion drain from my body, my face, and my system.
One thing I know right now is I am forever enemies with this person, and I'll never forgive or forget what this person did to me.
Unknown pov:-
"What do you mean she escaped" I asked.
"Whatever you understand, that's what we mean" one of the men answered.
I don't know what Crya did to annoy Sarah to the point of wanting to take everything from her, but whatever the case may be, I know she doesn't deserve it.
I may be fu***ng her mate, but that doesn't mean I hate her_.
The men she employed to do her dirty work look mean, and the fact that she provided them with a wolf's bane to inject into her is another level. I mean, I do admit that she has everything going easy for her. For example, having an alpha mate despite being an omega, while me, a beta female had a human mate, is so unfair.
And not just any mate, the one who feels he can trample over you, it took me what the humans call therapy to overcome the fear I still feel.
One of the most important revelations I had in therapy after getting out was that my husband actually was the one with low self-esteem, even though I always thought it was me. He came across as a person with an oversize ego who thought really highly of herself. I eventually began to understand that his constant put-downs of me, chipping away at my self-esteem, making me feel ugly, fat, stupid (turns out I was none of those things), were his way of keeping me from ever thinking of leaving him. After all, who would want such an unattractive wretch like me? He was betting on me, thinking that no one else would have me.
It wasn't until after I left and started to heal that I realized his oversize ego and brutish nature was a false facade that he created to conceal and protect his true self, which was a scared little boy with an unstable ego, who was afraid of being exposed and afraid of losing his smart, pretty wife.
In the end, despite all his efforts to destroy my self-esteem, I still had a tiny sliver left and that was enough for me to get out of the marriage. Even though I didn't know it at the time, I had more self-esteem than he did.
As for my escape, I was fortunate at that time to have had a job making enough money to support myself modestly in a studio apartment. I also had a few thousand dollars, so I could get what I needed to start a new life. If you are similarly situated, then you just need to make your plans. If not, then bide your time and get a job and save some money before you make your move. Having this secret goal in your mind will help motivate you to get that new job and to sock money away.
Go apartment hunting. Try to find a building with some security, at least a front door or gate that remains locked, a well lit parking area, etc. If you don't already have a car, you'll need to get one, of course.
Get a couple of wheeled suitcases that you can put all your clothes in. As for other household stuff, just grab 1 set of sheets, a blanket, a pillow, 1 pot, 1 frying pan, a couple of towels, some silverware. You can buy more stuff later. You just need enough to get started. Don't try to take large electronics, furniture, appliances. You just need to let those things go.
Be sure to take any photo albums or sentimental or valuable items that were yours before you married. If you can fit it in your car, and it is rightfully yours, take it. He will never give this stuff to you after you leave. (No matter how fair you are regarding what you take, he will freak out anyway and accuse you of stealing from him.)
My plan: I waited until he left for work one morning, and then I sprang into action. I packed up my car and left a long multipage letter for him telling him that I was going to file for divorce and exactly why I was leaving him. I told him that I very fairly took only my stuff and 1 pot, 1 pan, 2 towels, etc., and exactly half of our money. I wrote that I would call him that night to discuss it.
I was shaking with fear as I was going through the motions of packing up and leaving. It was sort of an out-of-body experience, like I was watching someone else doing it. I was really scared but I just kept moving.
The hardest part isn't even leaving, it's being strong enough to not go back. Assume that when he gets home and reads the letter he will call you and freak out, scream, threaten, intimidate and berate you. If that doesn't get you back, he'll cry, apologize and beg. He'll even offer to go to a marriage counselor. If that doesn't work, he'll threaten to kill himself if you don't come back that very night. If that doesn't do the trick, he'll start following you, finding out where you live, stalking you, showing up at your work, accusing co-workers of sleeping with you, calling your family and friends and making up lies about you, getting his family to call you and call you horrible names. He'll vacillate between being really sweet, sending flowers, writing love letters to win you back and being really cruel and vindictive when you don't take the bait.
Your resolve will be tested over and over again. He knows how to manipulate you. He knows all the buttons to push. There will be many times that you will feel weak and think about giving in, either because of fear of him or pity for him. If you go back he will know he has you under his thumb forever, and he will punish you and make you pay for putting him through this ordeal. Oh, the marriage counseling? Yeah, right. That'll happen.
Do not give in. Stay with a friend if you need support. Do not go to meet with him alone, always be in a public place or with a friend. If you feel weak, like you could give in, call a friend who will talk you off the ledge. Realistically, you will only get one shot at this! If you go back, you will never have the strength to leave again.
After about 3 or 4 months of this extreme stress of thinking he would kill himself or harm me, he finally left me alone. Guess why... He found a new girlfriend. As long as there was someone else filling that void, he didn't need to stalk me anymore. I understood it was never really about me anyway. I was just there to complete his external image of "happily married man." Slide another woman into that slot and his fragile ego is magically repaired.
Good luck to you. I hope you can make it out and stay out. Believe me, it is SO worth it in the long run. You deserve better!
About 4–5 months after closure, I decided to go back to the pack and, because I had disobeyed my parents and got married to my ex-husband at a very young age, they made me stay at the crescent howl pack as a punishment.
I was 16 at the time of marriage and 19 by the time I realized I was being stupid. When I got to the crescent howl pack, I found a standing stool to greatness, Jordan. I am not ready to let him go even when I know Crya is his mate, but I won't stoop so low to kill her.
This was all Sarah's idea. Till date, she has refused to tell me what the girl did to her, just that she wanted her to pay. Pay for what?
She's making me out to be the bad guy while she acts like she's just angry with her. That was the plan. And I guess it worked out given the fact that she is pleased with the outcome of this particular event.
" Don't worry, there will be another day." She said, stepping out of the shadows.
"Sarah, they didn't get the money."
"But they did beat her, right?"
" That's what they said."
"Good". That was all she said before turning to the guys.
"Don't worry about the police officers, they are humans, and she will not say anything to them". She handed them an envelope. "Thank you for your time. You can leave."
They didn't say much, just nodded and left. Leaving me more confused than ever.
"What are you not telling me, Sarah?"
"Don't worry about your little brainbox, leave the thinking to me, and you can act to your hearts desires." She headed for the big trees, probably trying to avoid my question or going back to her pack.
"You don't seem to understand, it is either you tell me what's going on right now or I am out!" I shouted the last part.
If I've learned anything from the human world, it is that, what breaks up any friendship? Over time, friendships can wear down over a lack of time, a lack of shared interests, people simply growing apart. But to abruptly break up a healthy friendship, you need something stronger. You need some action that will be seen by the other party as a betrayal.
It could be a betrayal of values. As a trivial example, Person A throwing a plastic bottle into the trash could be a betrayal of values to Person B, who thinks recycling is extremely important to the future of our planet/species.
Real life friendships are usually destroyed over petty things. Things that most folks just can't see as possible importance in for their life of them but to them, it was like a stake through their proverbial hearts and destroyed them.
Or, and this is a huge "OR", a man, or in the case of two females, a man. Now we do live in an age when same-sex couples sort of mix and match, so I will simply assume "love interest".
" I don't owe you any explanation, but because I need you as a major part of my plan, I'll summarize it for you". She breathed in and out, as if trying to calm herself.
"Bottom line, she crossed the line when it came to my mate."
So, what was right? It's a man? I understand whoever he is, is her mate, but why can't she trust her best friend? If there is one thing I know, it is that Crya is not the type to take mates from anyone, let alone her best friend, but you don't see me saying it out loud.
I chuckled before asking "is that all?"
"Yes" she replied.
I hummed an OK before facing the other way and heading home. Some people are just plain wicked. No matter how good you make them out to be, they will still revert to their original state.
I just learned something people are unworthy of your trust and respect in them. While I just watch as she destroys the only good thing I see in her life.