A dark space was all one could see.
A shiny little source of light appeared in the Emptiness that surrender the little boy. As if trying to hold it to dear life,the boy kept trying to hold it in hid hands.
However,a force stopped him from touching that light,trying to protect it by the unfamiliar boy who kept wanting to hold it in his hand.
Just when the boy was about to hold it dear to his heart,Dohyun woke up.
Again with this familiar ceiling,it was only the place he knew well just from yesterday. Dr.Yoon's hospital never ceases to amazed Dohyun.
The high level of materials that hugged Dohyun while he laid down on the comfortable bed. Dohyun looked around to see that the night has fallen down on the big city,with sea of lights from the buildings.
"It seems like you really like this place," Yoon Yeo-wool and his sarcasm was familier as always to Dohyun.
When Dohyun heard Dr.Yoon voice,he had to know immediately if his dad is fine.
"Dr.Yoon,is my dad okey?" He asked,stressing after seeing his dad unconscious in the middle of a battle field.
Yoon Yeo-wool looked at the puppy like eyes Dohyun often had,and smiled answering his question gladly;"Your dad is indeed fine,but according to rules we had to remove his memories from that woman who attacked you so he would not remember anything that happened to you or anything related to the event."
Yoon Yeo-wool knew the feeling of being a Hunter with ordinary people around him,so he understood the worry Dohyun had in his heart.
The cute little puppy infront of him looked like he was soaking wet from the rain after being adopted,this image made Yoon Yeo-wool laught,petting down the fluffy black hair Dohyun had.
"You don't need to worry,he already gone home after seeing you sleeping soundly" Yoon Yeo-wool explained after seeing the imaginary puppy ears down in sadness.
"Well I have good news for you," trying to change the subject as it only made the little puppy sad,he took out a set of black and blue clothes that looked quite familier to school uniform and put it gently on the end of the bed.
"Get dressed up,we have a place to go," he smiled and pointed at the set of clothes. While Dohyun getting dressed up,Yoon Yeo-wool started to explain his purpose of visiting all of a sudden.
"I know how much you want to get stronger in order to protect the people around you,so I made a promise woth a very famous person to train you to become the strongest Hunter you can be," After finishing talking,a knock came from the door.
A young woman and old-looking woman stood outside the room.The elder woman had wrinkles that resembles years of hard work and experience,while her hair was partly white as if just lately she became an elder person.
The young woman wore a suit that resembles honors while her dark blue ocean hair was tied perfectly without a single hair standing out of place.
"This the boy i promise to you," Yoon Yeo-wool held his hand to point at the little boy that sat down on the bed,looking innocently at her.
The woman looked at him as her eyes sized him down from head to toe,judging every single inch of his body as if testing every state of his muscles,mind,and soul.
"He does not looking promising as you told me" Her voice was rusty,a sound of years of experience came from that voice. Her judgment was carefully calculated by her years of experience training high level Hunters and battling countless battles.
"You need to put more trust in my judgment Madam Jang" Yoon Yeo-wool smiled.
"I would not take such a kid to my Guild,only to ruin the image i build over hundredsof years!" Her loud voice ringed in Dohyun ears made him jumped a little by surprise.
"You remember the promise i made to you,as you should keep your side as well,Madam Jang," Yoon Yeo-wool voice did not change a bit even though she gave a fearful aura that made Dohyun trembling a little.
Dohyun was amazed by how such a young man can stand up for a woman who looked clearly much higher level than him. Dohyun's admiration towards Dr.Yoon grow even more.
"I understand," Ms.Jang claimed down after her assistant helped her cool down from the anger in her body.
The assistant entered the room and gave a pin to Dohyun,it had the shape of a bird flying. She looked at Dohyun but after seeing that he does nothing with the pin and she started to explain;
"This pin tells everyone around you that you belong to Madam Jang and no other can lay a hand on you to become their disciple,"
She said and took the pin from Dohyun's hand,putting it on his tie," as we going to meat more than once in your lifetime I better introduce myself," the woman said and put her hand up to shake.
"My name is Buru,21 years old and I'm the one whose going to be responsible to your training," Buru said and took Dohyun's hand to shack it gently.
"I know your name so you don't need to introduce yourself," Buru stopped Dohyun from talking.
Dohyun looked all way too surprised to answer her but he gently bowed his head to greet her.
Madam Jang called Buru back,Buru looked at her and turned back go Dohyun," Come now,we need to go to school" she said and walked back to Madam Jang's side.
Dohyun looked at Yoon Yeo-wool who stood,trying not to interpret Buru as she was a scary woman that one should not anger.
Yoon Yeo-wool nodded to let him know it was safe to walk woth them,and in response Dohyun took his beg that had his torn up clothes to walk after them.
While the three exit the hospital,Buru's expression turned to a stiff one,almost like her friendly smile from before never existed to begin with.
"Hey little boy, I don't care where or what or whatever you are,but for me you are at the bottom of the bottoms," Buru started her speech.
Yoon Yeo-wool saw it from the window and sighted," he is going to get used to her eventually," he said and resume his activity as a doctor.
"What are you-"
"Rule no.1,never talk back to your master," Buru cut down Dohyun,she did not care for his fearful eyes nor what his past was like.
As the taxi to take the three to the academy,on the road to the academy,Buru took Dohyun's hand to feel his status.
Her face of disappointment was really a harsh one as she can't hide her feeling very well,it made him even more scared of her.
"You can't even run properly and that doctor thinks of you that big?" She angrily memble to herself.
After a scary long ride that Dohyun could not even blink without being judged by his new Master,they finally reached their destination.
"Thank you once again Mr.Sung," Buru thanks the driver and his nodded "Glad to always be at your service,Madam Jang,"
Buru looked at Dohyun who did not thanked for the ride as she did and she hit his head to make him bow down.
"Rule no.2 Respect your oldery," she said and smiled towards Mr.Sung.
"T-thank for the r-ride," Dohyun quickly thanked the driver and the other side laught and droved off,"it seems Buru got another kid," he said laughing.
However,it seems Dohyun did something wrong once again as he was hit by his head again,"Rule no.3 always speak flawlessly," she said.
"Madam Jang,I will take care of it from here,you can go back to your rest now" Buru bowed down as Madam Jang took last look at Dohyun whos head was already full of bruises from Buru's teaching and walked away.
"That kid..maybe it's just my old age..."
Buru looked at Dohyun as he learned his lesson and bowed down to Madam Jang as she walked away,and started to explain her way of discipline.
"I have Rules in order to have a peace of mind while training newbies like you," she said and started to walk toward the big gates that was behind them.
"I am harsh with my training,if I don't see some kind of improvement and dedication to train,I would stop from being your Master and end the training on the spot," she said and greeted the guards,Dohyun followed her steps.
"You would learn very quickly my way of training so don't worry your mind too much about it as it only would hurt you more" Buru walked toward the enters of the academy.
The way to that place was magnificent,as from both sides where green spaces woth flowers and medicals herds that students from this school grew.
Buru explain to Dohyun how the system in this place works and how Hunters system works.
There is 5 types of Hunters according to the Main Guild; Magician,Tanker,Fighter,Healer and Archer
Although those are the main 5 ones,every single Hunter have a unique set of skills that fits their personality,mind and soul.
Buru explain the way the Guild discovering Hunters. When a human is born to the world,the doctor take a blood test to see if they have some kind of potential to become a Hunter.
"However,there is a case of exceptions that were tested and the results come normal and discovered later in their life they were Hunter," she said and as she finished the explanation,both of them already was at the entrance.