The Arrival

Shay broke the silence in the room. "Some kind of… cell phone attack?"

Det. Susan "Susie" Ques glanced between Drake and Shay. "You mean, like malware or something? Phones make men sweat like pigs, constant cell updates, robotic actions, and lose control?"

"I don't know. But it's strange. The sweating, the behavior shifts, and now this…," said Shay.

"Whatever this is, it's spreading fast. We're getting more reports of men collapsing, acting erratic. It's not heat exhaustion. It doesn't add up," said Susie.

Shay noted… "Sweating. Strange behavior. Cell phone updates." She tapped her pen against the page. "Not affecting women, except indirectly. About two weeks."

"Could it be connected to the cell phones, right? I mean, it's weird how most men are sweating like crazy. Over the last two weeks, I noticed it was getting worse at my college, here at work, restaurants, just everywhere. Let me know if you figure anything else out. If I hear or see anything, I'll let you know Shay," said Billy.

Shay's cell phone rang. "Alena?" Shay walked to the far corner of the room for privacy.

"Shay, my brother, Edson, is sweating like other men. Uncle Tom's still in the hospital. Aunt Martha's with him, but he's unconscious. She's using her phone, though."

"Tell her not to touch his cell. Don't let anyone else ue it either. Can you come here?"

"Is everything okay?" asked Alena.

"Well, too many weird things are happening," said Shay.

"What are you talking about?"

"Men are falling sicker, just like Uncle Ted, and I'm worried about men. Alena, you know I don't believe in coincidences. I believe in patterns, statistics, and solving problems logically."

"I'm on my way now. Bye," said Alena. What does her abstract mind see? All I know, it's serious.

She walked back over to Billy and Susie. Drake watched Shay and noticed she seemed different, tense. I wonder what that was about. In all the years I've known Shay, I have never seen her with this expression. Got to be careful. Things are escalating too fast. Damn, focus. Her life and Alena's also depend on it.

"Billy, you be careful, and if things get worse, leave," said Shay firmly. "This might not just be a coincidence."

"I will be careful," said Billy as he pushed his supply cart toward the door. "See everyone tomorrow."

"Billy, really, be careful," said Susie.

As Billy left, Susie turned to Shay. "Can we talk for a moment in Dr. Broke's office?"

"Sure, of course," said Shay as they walked into Dr. Broke's office and closed the door.

"Shay, I am at my whit's end. It's much worse than I said just now. I know you've been taking notes. Do you see any patterns or is there something we are overlooking?" asked Susie.

"To be honest Susie, you know I don't believe in coincidences. I'm beginning to see patterns. It's escalating, but it's more serious than I think we know yet. I just can't put my finger on it. It's like on the tip of my tongue, ready to come forward… but… "

"Why isn't Drake Alters sweating like the others?"

"Mr. Alters and Billy aren't sweating like the others because they both have a gland problem."

"That's interesting. I'll make a note of that so I will start a list of men that don't sweat. Shay, I trust your instincts. Nothing is weird at this point. Let me know anything that is helpful."

"Susie, I promise," They left Dr. Broke's office and returned to the waiting room.

"Shay, I have to meet my partners, Det. Mary Prose and Det. Marcus Parks. We have to go to hospitals and check on the men from our office and other men, including male doctors, but no women. Not even one woman named at any hospital or clinic with these symptoms."

"Let me know anything new you might discover. It could be the piece of the puzzle I need to make sense of this… phenomenon," said Shay.

"I will, but Shay, if you notice anything else, call me. Don't take chances."

"I won't," said Shay, watching Susie leave.

She added a new note to her Next! notebook… "Det. Susan Ques, confirmed similar cases. New hospital cases rising, but only men, no women."

Drake broke the silence. "Still waiting for Alena?"

She turned to Drake; Alena had just texted her she was on her way up. "She's here."

Shay hesitated, observing his calm demeanor. Her heart began beating faster, and she was blushing again. He still has that same calm confidence. His composure hasn't changed since he's been here. Damn, why is he so good looking? He seems familiar somehow. Hmm, I wonder where I have met him. I'm almost positive I have…

Drake's thoughts mirrored hers, though he kept his expression neutral. She's still as beautiful since the last time I saw her in… The sound of the outer door opening interrupted his memory of her.

Drake glanced toward the door and saw Alena come into the office with a look of concern on her face. Hmm, she hasn't changed much either since…

"Shay," said Alena, rushing over. "What's going on? You sounded so serious on the phone."

Shay stood, giving her a quick hug. "Alena, this is Drake Alters.

"Hi Drake, nice to meet you," said Alena."

"Alena. It's nice to meet you."

"You also, but have we… met before?"

Drake hesitated, just for a fraction of a second. "I don't think so."

Before Alena could press further, Shay pulled her toward her desk. "There's too much to explain, but for now, just know that something is happening, something big, and it's tied to these cell phone updates."

"Updates?" asked Alena, glancing at Shay's notebook. "Well, Shay what patterns do you see in your quirky abstract mind?"

"Alena, I'm serious. Look at my notes for the past two weeks."

"Shay, I am seriously asking you. What do you think is really going on?"

"We've seen it all day. Men sweating profusely, acting strange, and every single one of them has had recent updates on their cell phones. It started around two weeks ago and has escalated to men in hospitals in comas. Susie and her partners are at hospitals checking on their men and others in comas now."

"Uncle Ted was fine the last time we visited him and Aunt Martha three weeks ago; now he's in a coma. This is so..." said Alena.

"Det. Que said that hospitals are baffled by the growing number of cases of men, including male doctors, but not the women doctors treating them. Actually, no women cases at all. Why is it only happening to men?"

"Shay, this is scary."

"Alena, you know I don't believe in coincidences. There is always a logical explanation or answer for everything."

Alena opened her mouth to respond when the door flew open.

Shay jumped back a step. Her heart began pumping faster as two figures rushed into the office, a young man and woman.

"Turn off the lights!" the man commanded. "And turn your cell phones off! Now!"

"What…" Shay began, but the woman cut her off.

"Do it now!" the woman said firmly. "You're not safe!"

Shay exchanged a quick glance at Drake and Alena before rushing to the light switch, plunging the room into darkness.

"Follow me," Shay whispered, leading them into Dr. Broke's office.

The group filed inside and sat on the floor; the female intruder locked the door behind them. In the dim light, filtering through the blinds, she turned to the strangers.

"Who are you?" asked Shay, her voice low but firm.

"We'll explain everything later," she said. "But not here. Not now."

Shay turned to Drake and whispered, "Drake, what's going on?"

Drake was looking at the couple. It's been a while, but that's Markey Martin and Macie Pierce. Then, in a voice so soft only Shay could hear, he answered, "I'll tell you when it's safe. Just do what they say. They're here to help."

"But how?" asked Shay.

"I'll explain later," said Drake.

Alena looked at Shay and hoped she knew what she was doing. Shay gave her that look to just cooperate.

Heavy footsteps were moving closer to their office. There was a steady knock on the office door. No one dared moved or spoke. They heard footsteps leaving.

Markey noticed Drake and realized who he was. He nudged Macie gently, a quick signal to notice the man seated across from them.

Macie calmly looked and realized the legend, Drake Alters, was sitting on the floor right in front of her. This was the second time they had come across Drake. "What do we do?" Macie texted Markey on her wristwatch.

"We do what we were told to do. Protect Shay and Alena at all costs. Be ready to move," texted Markey.

Drake noticed that Markey and Macie recognized him; Alena kept staring at him, trying to figure out where she had met him.

More footsteps coming closer to the office, then someone started knocking again. No one dared to move or speak. They heard footsteps leave again.

Two minutes later, someone began knocking on the door once more, but as they kept knocking this time, it grew louder, each strike reverberating through the thin office walls.

The sound of their footsteps leaving again was the last straw for Shay. Who was knocking so hard at 5:30 pm? Why now? What is going on? And more importantly, who are these two intruders? Who is Drake really?

"Drake," whispered Shay. "Who the hell are you? You owe me that! Enough of this…"