
After regaining his sanity, Note was viewing the new shape in the room. Their brightness illuminated ten percent of the room. At first, Note thought that the room was small due to how little brightness the stars produced, but now that there are two stars and a moon, he viewed stars so far away that they look like a grain of salt.

A sudden thought appeared; he tried entering the moon to try and get another chance to save himself and Roi. His soul standing there couldn't move when he tried the first time he arrived at the room. Yet now all he knows is the room and not his experience. However, his body could now move. Immediately, Note launched his soul into the crimson moon only to pass through it. Note then saw that the moon and stars are two-dimensional figures. Only shows a silhouette of the figure in a three-dimensional figure and six times the size that it currently shows. 

After the failed attempt, Note began floating around the moon, trying everything to get inside, but every attempt was futile. Note decided to try the stars to see if any of them would work. The smaller star had the same effect as the moon. Only passing through the star with no result and a silhouette of its three-dimensional shape and five times its current size. Note's last choice was the large blue star; he suddenly tried to find the star only to find it now below him. Changing his soul's position, he dashed towards the star.


After colliding with the moon, Note felt a huge shock surge through his body, knocking him out in an instant. 

After a while, Note woke up, now knowing he didn't try again as he was scared that he would experience that shock again. Note decided to take his time and explore this room as he had already concluded that this would be his new home. Going around the whole space, seeing stars the size of a human with nothing making them stand out, it felt like an infinite loop; everywhere he went, the stars all looked the same. 

The further away he went, the more stars appeared. Note didn't dare to touch the stars as he knew something would happen. While testing how long he could move through the room, he reached a point where his current body couldn't enter. It felt as if his soul was being compressed the second he went into the zone, combined with its darkness only illuminated by the light of stars the size of a grain of salt, which made it physically impossible for Note to gain any more knowledge about that place.

Deciding to return and pay extra attention to every part of the room, as he perhaps might never have time to explore the room. Note divided the stars into sections to observe all of them to see if any are different or carry an important clue for him to leave this place. 

The first place he decided to explore was on the left of the crimson moon. Note started seeing all the stars with carefulness to not ignore a detail that might separate it from the rest or a clue. 

The first star he saw, he set it as the standard star so that if there was another star different from it, that star might be the wrong one, or his standard was the odd one out. He set off on this journey. The first one hundred stars were all similar to his standard. There were still many left; another hundred were seen noticing nothing different. The next hundred stars were all the same, starting to lose hope. Note reached the line that he currently can't pass, and there was still nothing. A long journey awaited Note to the center. He again decided to pay attention to each star once again just in case he made a mistake. 

Note reached the center without seeing anything except stars. The next part will be to the left of the smaller star; exploring the back and front of the giant blue star was the last part that he would be exploring. The first star was the same as the part he just explored. 

The first one hundred stars had the same result. The next hundred were all the same at the same time. Note started to lose hope at this point; he wanted to find a star that looked different; even if it was not a clue, all he wanted was a difference. The last hundred stars were all the same; some were false alarms due to his increasing frustration of not having changed. One of those false alarms was his two hundred fifty-six star, where he thought he saw the edge of one of the points change color, but after examining the star for about an hour, he didn't see it again and gave up.

Note severely disappointed, came back to the center now very bored of seeing the same five-handed star the size of a small human. The next part was the back of him, where he is. Feeling a little frustrated but determined to find something to satiate and compensate for the amount of time he is spending looking at over six hundred stars. 

The first hundred all looked the same, the next hundred were futile, and the next hundred, nothing changed. On the verge of giving up, he looked at the last hundred stars and nothing. They all look the same. Note was trying so hard to find a difference, deluding himself that it would all be worth the time.

Feeling extremely frustrated, Note, on the verge of giving up, told himself to do the front part and if nothing changed, to call it quits on the situation. A newly motivated Note arrived at the center after going across the giant blue star he set on his last journey across this place he once saw as beautiful. Now everything he can think of is the dumb star that is everywhere.

The first one hundred was very mentally degrading due to finding nothing; the next hundred showed a beam of hope, shifting his whole demeanor from mental degradation to joy in the span of a second. While counting the last hundred stars at the end, he saw a star with a green color completely different from the standard yellow that covered the room. Note immediately started to pay attention to the next hundred to find the one green star. 

Note's emotions were out of control after seeing the normally insignificant star being different from the rest of the stars. The insignificant star was something Note thought of as a gift from the heavens. Note tried checking if he could move the star, trying everything, including acting as if he had telekinesis powers to move the star closer to him. 

Not achieving his goal of moving the star, he went with the happiest he has ever been from finding that different star, moving toward the center to recap what he saw. Note couldn't be happier that something was different and he didn't have to endure seeing the same stars with the personality of a bland chicken. 

After arriving at the center, Note began to feel bored. His goal was completed, yet nothing was happening. He felt happy to find the different star, but after all, it's just a star, nothing telling him why it's different and why the rest of the stars all looked the same. Similarly, he felt happy that the encounter he had was not happening, leading him to think about what the reasons for all of that happening were.

After reaching a point of extreme boredom, Note went toward the green star and decided to touch the star to see if anything would happen, but his experience made him overthink whether to touch it or not. After pondering and waiting, he gave in to temptation and touched the star.

Note waited for a while to see that nothing happened; feeling a little disappointed, he went back to the center to stay there and wait for something. 

Note felt the same strong pull again, but this time it took the part of his memory about the green star and the idea that he once touched the star while leaving everything else intact.