
Asher left the mole to one of his followers, going upstairs to leave the underground bunker that was used to store people and precious metals. Asher looks back with some shame and takes a step.


A large wind passed through Asher. He looks back to see his follower and the mole both dead.

Asher could only run and start to see what was happening. Asher saw both of them blown into pieces. The once-stone wall is now covered in blood. Asher realizes that it's the mole's doing; he is now scared to know that the enemies might have an explosive device inside of them.

But why? That is the question Asher is asking himself. Questioning why he exploited, why now did he explode? There are three plausible scenarios Asher came up with: The first one is that the enemy had planned to blow himself up but was captured, so he decided to take at least one person with him. The second one is that it is embedded with them and the torture was the fire to blow. The last one is that they are being controlled by someone more powerful, and every time they are about to reveal any information, they blow it to not reveal anything.

Asher decides that all of them are plausible. He grabs his follower's hand to have a proper burial.

Asher goes up the fifteen staircases, opens the top door, pulls himself up, and sits on the light brown floor of the main mansion. 

Asher, carrying the hand like a baby, starts to pass through the large marble and gold mansion. Passing through people with confused faces, I later turned sad to see a hand.

Asher leaves the glass doors, goes to one of the ten trees surrounded by bushes, and buries the hand.

Asher is now convinced that he needs to have revenge for an innocent man. He decides to call all of his men and alert them that they will have their most ambitious goal. To take over the capital and to stop the calamities that Chroma has created.

Amadi and Dalia both arrive at their place in a major city. The other five commanders all arrive at one village.

Amadi starts to see how less secure this city is compared to the one they just beat. 

Dalia sees that her city is more secure now, so she starts to plan on how to attack. She has never had any experience commanding, but she will try her best.

Asher and his followers start to prepare themselves for the war. Grabbing knives, guns, and everything that can kill or wound someone unable to fight.

"LET'S GO!!" Asher and his followers start to go to the dense forest with the destination of the capital.

Asher and his followers are cutting and passing anything in the forest that stops their progress. 

After an hour's journey, Asher finally arrives at the capital. The capital is close to the city they just gained control of, and now that they have arrived, they see a large tower in the center of the city.

Asher starts to see with the binoculars he stole and starts to inspect if there is a way for them to enter and destroy the city with the least amount of casualties.


A figure appears in front of Asher, flicking his finger on his neck.

"Asher, we know you're here. You can take the capital. We truly don't care, but if you want to win, you need to take over the tower." A young man with pale skin speaks to Asher.

Asher clears his throat and gets into position to fight; the rest of his followers also get into position to fight; they are incredibly surprised at how he appears.

"Who are you?" Asher grabs his knife and asks.

"Don't worry; I won't fight you. I am merely a clone. My creator is on the top of the tower. Now it's getting boring to have no one to fight." The pale man starts to disappear.

Asher gives in and gets his followers to go and attack. 

They enter the town only to be greeted by a line of thirty armed men pointing their guns at them.


Asher cracks his finger, indicating that they are going on an all-out attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The men start shooting, and some of Asher's followers start to get injured, but ten men can do nothing compared to fifty people attacking them all at once.

Asher's followers manage to beat the men, leaving only two dead. Asher continues his attack; with no one left in the streets, he approaches the tower. 

The same pale man appears to greet Asher.

"Congrats on beating level one. Now only YOU can enter. If you die, then I can easily beat all of them." The pale man starts to fade. "Welcome"

Asher enters to see a pathway lit by candles. The walls are painted dark blue, every step Asher takes leaving an echo passing through the entire pathway.

Asher follows the pathway which leads to a small room; the second Asher steps into the room, and blue fires start to create an arena around him. The arena no larger than a UFC ring starts to ring.

Ding Ding Ding

Asher looks up to see the entire room now illuminated, like a theater; the curtains start to rise, the fires disappear, and he is greeted with an army of approximately fifty people all going to fight him.

Asher takes his knives and prepares his aura to consume his body.

"What is happening?" Asher starts to feel his strength diminishing by the second.

Dalia, Amadi! Fuck, they are probably losing; I have to finish this fast before they end up dying.

Asher realizes that another factor has come into play in his fight. 
