A sun was rising slowly towards the sky where it belonged, prompting the animals in the forest to wake up and start resuming their life. For animals such as wolves, lions, and the like, to hunt. While for animals such as cows, pigs, and bunnies, it was to go out and eat their grass or fruits. The Sun first cast its radiant light on distant mountains, illuminating them, then it was a massive tree's turn, making the trees that in the dark had the color of a sluggish green even to those with good vision regain their beautiful color of bright natural green, and then slowly it was the ground under it. Fortunately or unfortunately, for Moon and Katu, their cave was facing east, and the cave was not that deep, so the sun cast its direct sunlight on them, illuminating and basking them in its radiant light, prompting Moon to instantly wake up from his half-ass sleep. After that, he slowly got up from his head, which looked like a cat's bed with a pillow filled with grass in the middle while surrounded by another pillow that wrapped around whoever sat on top of the middle pillow.
"Huaaaaa," Moon yawned. Although he didn't have to, he did it nonetheless. Meanwhile, beside him, Katu just put her blanket over her head, blocking the sunlight entirely from herself, probably saying five more minutes in her language; at least that was what he understood from it. Meanwhile, Moon got up and went to fetch water for Katu. For her to wash her face and hands while also getting water needed for breakfast and drink for the day. "I saw it somewhere here," Moon thought as he started looking around the surroundings of the cave for the river that he saw yesterday when they were looking for the cave.
A few minutes later, Moon found the river. It was a freshwater lake that looked akin to a fountain of youth in his previous life. It was so clear and natural that one could see right through it without obstruction, but in this life, for some reason, a sight like this is common. He then slowly scooped up considerable amounts of water and returned to the cave. After he came back, he scooped out half of it into the pot and made a simple broth with dried meat that they had. While putting the leftover water outside for Katu to wash her face and hands.
Soon, the delicious smells of broth started to spread through the surroundings, filling the tiny cave they were in and signaling to anyone that food was soon going to be ready.
Katu's nose twitched a few times when she, in her sleep, smelled the broth soup, her nose signaling the brain and the stomach to wake up and eat some delicious broth. Brain, upon receiving it, refused, blatantly stating that it needed more rest, but Stomach, who learned of it, teamed up with Nose and relentlessly bombarded Brain without a pause or delay. The brain, who initially refused, slowly relented under their combined power, prompting Katu to wake up.
"HUUAAAA." She yawned as she got up, her eyes still half closed and a small amount of tears running down her face. But it soon changed, as if finally fully registering what Moon was making, her eyes opened fully, and a happy smile adorned her face. "Good morning, Sir Moon," she yelled energetically. This caused Moon, who was stirring the food calmly and lazily, to jolt, nearly causing the broth to spill, but at the last second, Moon managed to materialize his energy over the broth, saving it in the process. "That was close," Moon muttered under his breath while sighing in relief.
"Is it dried pork broth today?" Katu quickly asked, her eyes glistening with stars, a sign that showed how much she liked that particular something. A dried pork meat broth, a food made in heaven, she always called it whenever someone asked.
Moon just sighed while showing a faint smile while shaking his face slowly, if he had a face in the first place, that is. Since from a third-person perspective, it looked like Moon just turned to her. "Wash up first before eating."
"Ok," she shouted like an excited child while rapidly running outside without wearing her boots, her small feet squishing as she sprinted away. Moon, who was behind her, just shook his head at her irresponsible antics.
After she came out of the cave, she looked around for a bit, looking left then left as she looked around. But the only thing she saw was some small bushes and a hill in the distance. "Umm," she muttered, thinking in her mind if she should ask Sir Moon where the water bucket that he usually prepared was. But she shook her head a second later, scolding herself for becoming reliant on Sir Moon even though she was supposed to be the servant. So she turned around to look for the small bucket that she had to fetch some water herself, only to see it right beside the entrance of the cave. Half full with clear water that shone under the sunlight. "Oh, it was there," she said as she walked towards it. While still thinking that she had become too reliant and should stop. Right after breakfast, she quietly thought in the end as she washed her face and hands.
She came in just in time when the broth was just fully finished cooking. Moon filled her bowl generously to the point it was about to spill, and she dug in the next second. Her teeth rapidly munching on the meat as she drank the soup. Despite her mouth being already full, she scooped up another spoon and put it in her mouth. Causing her mouth to swell like a balloon and making her look like a fat hamster.
Moon just looked at her quietly from the side while she did this. His sight never left her as he watched her. She finished her bowl of soup in just five minutes despite it being a considerable-sized bowl. She even ate the broth in the pot right after, finishing it to the last drop before she stopped. "Huaaaa, I am full," she said while leaning backward. Her two little hands supported her from behind as she leaned back, while her expression was one of pure satisfaction as she burped the next second.
The satisfaction and joy were short-lived, as Moon, who sat beside her, declared something. "I changed my plans; I won't be going to the city for the time being. So I will be escorting you back to your tribe for the next two or three days."
Katu, who heard all of this, just slowly blinked, her expression not changing the slightest bit. One, two, three times she blinked without saying anything. And when she blinked for the fourth time, she said, "Why would not going to the city have something to do with me not going together with you?, Ummm, I am not going towards the city in the first place; I am traveling with you... Are you discarding me because I am useless and lazy?, i promise that i.... She muttered the last sentence with her head down, her expression hidden behind her hair as she looked down.
"no, of course not. Why would I discard you? It's just that the place I am going to go to is quite dangerous, and I might not be capable of protecting you."
"Oh, if that's the case, it is fine. I am a proud goblin warrior and apprentice shaman. I am not afraid of dying," she said while puffing out her chest. Her face was a picture of pride as she put her hands on her hips in a cheap superhero pose.
"You might die, you know," Moon asked again, trying to dissuade her despite the futility of it.
"I am fine, Sir Moon," she said, her voice firm and her eyes intense as she declared.
"Huh... All right," Moon said with a resigned tone, accepting the fact that she would go with him.
After that talk, for the next ten or so minutes, serene silence graced them as they started doing their own thing. The silence that descended was of comforting silence, one that Moon thought was not bad. But everything has an end, so Moon brought up his goal to Katu to discuss. Thinking that her opinion should be superior to his since she lived and hunted in the forest all her life.
"I want to slay a peak low-class being or low mid-class," he said to her.
Katu, after a few seconds of silence, with a frown etching on her face, probed. "By low class, do you mean Alpha rank?" She said, clearly not understanding what he really meant but having some guesses.
Alpha? Moon thought in his mind, feeling like he had previously heard the term. Only to remember the next second, where he heard it. The goblin woman explained it to him in one of their discussions while they were talking about the rank of beings. "Yes, Alpha peak rank. Or High Alpha Low"
"If we're looking for some Alpha or high-alpha class beings, then we could head west about thirty kilometers, where our tribe was originally located. I know of a few locations in which Alpha Peak or Omega Lows live," she said, providing her opinion and knowledge that she had.
"Hmmm, all right, let's go there," Moon said after a few seconds of thought. Thinking that it shouldn't go wrong following her suggestion, since he didn't have anything better.
After that, they talked about a few other things, such as the possible beings that inhabit there and the road they will take to reach there. Katu suggested going through the route from which her tribe came since it had proven that it was safe and sound. Moon agreed but suggested going over a mountain range instead of detouring back to the village. To save time and effort. Katu agreed with Moon's suggestion, making them go through the route.
"All right, everything is finished," Moon said, his voice energetic, with his whole body glowing a bit brighter than previously, happy that there was a possibility that he could gain a physical body. Despite the advantage that his body offered, which is no need for food or drink and sleep. Quick recovery and an elusive body in which, if not hit by a spell or mana-enhanced attack, he is unkillable. Yes, unkillable, but it is possible to severely hurt him and trap him since he is not a complete ghost or something.
But in the end, despite the advantages that his new body offered, nothing can beat a physical, living, breathing body where one can do as one wishes without restriction.
"HUAAAHHH," Katu exaggeratedly yawned while stretching her body. Her body made a few cracking noises in the process as she leaned back, a bit tired from the intense discussion they just had. "So when should we depart?"
"At noon, about three hours later, you can rest until then," Moon said while he floated towards the makeshift kitchen to wash the dishes. While thinking if he should make more food in case the food that he previously saved up just before Katu came in was not enough.
Katu, upon seeing him, hurriedly stood up. "Wait, Sir Moon. I will wash it since you made the food." Her voice was frantic as if she just remembered something, and she hurriedly walked towards him with no previous sleepiness visible.
"Okay," he said, his voice a mixture of softness and tenderness as he floated away from the makeshift kitchen.
When noon came around, they started their journey, bypassing mountains and rivers as they traveled. The sun was high up in the sky, yet it was hidden behind a sea of clouds, their shifting, intangible form leaving the world below in a muted gray haze. Not a single ray of sunlight broke through the dense canopy above. The wind howled through the forest, akin to the shrill scream of a banshee, biting Katu in her cheek and tangling her hair in icy fingers. Each gust blew away her makeshift coat as if trying to steal it away, its cold, piercing wind piercing through the fabric, fully embracing her body.
"Yesterday was blazing hell; now it is freezing hell. Just my luck," Katu thought in her mind, her little frame shaking as she walked. But she shook the thought out of her mind while muttering to herself. "No use complaining if you can't change anything."
So while hugging her body tightly to protect what little warmth she had in her, she continued her march, trailing behind Moon, since he had much sharper perception.
Meanwhile, Moon just hummed joyfully as he traveled. Howling wind, akin to the shrill scream of a banshee, the piercing cold that accompanied it was not registered in Moon's brain. For him, today was just a cloudy day with quite a strong wind, a bit different from yesterday, which was the exact opposite with piercing hot sunlight that could be used to ignite a campfire if one used a magnifying glass.
Only about two hours later would he learn that it was piercing cold. Until then Katu would silently suffer, with her pride as a goblin warrior and apprentice shaman preventing her from saying anything.