Urgu the Troll

Chapter 9

After Katu reassured him and explained a bit, Pachu slowly calmed down and understood that Moon meant no harm to him, at least for now;, if the reassurance from Katu were to be believed, he might even help him.

"Ummm, how?" Pachu asked, his voice quivering and cracking as if he could not believe it.

"We will kill that troll and point you and the rest of you're tribe towards my tribe so you can go there, there is so much food there that you won't know what to do with it," Katu reassured Pachu calmly, her voice soothing and gently akin to a gently flowing river, a thing which Moon had never seen. But because there was no need for her to be this soothing and gentle when they were traveling together, it made sense for Moon to have never seen such quality in Katu.

After she said that, she slowly turned towards Moon and said, "Right, Sir Moon?" her voice with an inquisitive tone, probing if she overstepped.

Which Moon replied with. "Yes, I will kill that troll." His deep, heavy voice sounds with a profound depth, with a natural resonance that immediately fills the room without an effort, making a word spoken by Moon to be effortlessly heard.

"Thanks," Katu said, breaking into a hearty smile with her mouth curving upwards in the shape of a half moon while her eyes squinting.

But she did not notice that he never said he would help the goblins or anything of that sort; he only said he would kill that troll. Because of her negligence and inexperience, she did not even think that Moon was playing a bit of a word game with her.

"Tell me everything you know about the troll," Moon demanded as he turned towards Pachu the next second.

Pachu slowly nodded toward Moon as he started recounting what he knew without hiding anything. "Ummm, it spends most of the day just lazing around without moving much, except at night it sleeps; it usually eats some small animals and fish that we catch during the day. If not satisfied, it would eat one of us, and if we were to try to escape, it would hunt whoever escaped using its unusually sensitive nose, which can track whoever escaped with incredible precision. Ummm, it is also really strong and fast. It also has amazing vitality; it shrugged off our poison, which we brew using venomous insects, without even feeling it. .

"Is it all ?" Moon probed further

"Ummm, Yes" Pachu replied

"All right," Moon said as he turned towards the cave entrance and floated towards it slowly while thinking inside his mind. "I shouldn't expect any detailed information from a goblin, although, from the information he gave me, I managed to scrape off a simple plan."


"I am so smart," Urgu the Troll thought as he looked at the group of goblins beneath his feet, bowing before him like they should while shaking like baby birds in the snow. "Worms!" Urgu unconsciously muttered under his breath, but due to how deep, big, and majestic he was, the little muttering was heard throughout the cave, causing the goblin at his feet to shake even more.

Despite what he muttered to the goblin, Urgu was satisfied with how much food they brought today, so he did not kill any of them or even hit any of them. Although the reason he did not hit them is not that he is that merciful, the reason is that goblins are so fragile that even a normal punch or slap from him would severely hurt or cripple them, so he had to stay his hands unless he wants to kill one of them.

Then he slowly shifted his gaze to his right, where a bowl of food they brought today stood, which consisted of a few fish and a rabbit of considerable size, a food that he would have today, decent food he would say since he did not eat anything like this for quite some time. He slowly raised his hands towards it to take one of them with his mouth curving upwards in the form of a smirk, specifically the rabbit's leg since it had been a long time since he had eaten a rabbit's leg. With a satisfied smile, only for a beam of what seemed to be a light to penetrate the tent and destroy the bowl of food that he was about to grab.


"What!?" Urgu slowly muttered, confused and in disbelief at the fact that the only decent food he would have had for the past two weeks had disappeared so suddenly. The culprit being a beam of what appears to be light penetrating the tent and destroying it in an instant, not even enough time for him to blink.

He stared at the place where the bowl once was with unfocused eyes, his hands that were about to grab the bowl still in the air, right on top of it, his fingers stretched in gesture in which he was about to grab.



Slowly from the place below his hands, a smell of burned remains of the food entered his big nose, making him instantly come to his senses. When he came to his senses, the first emotion that entered his mind was profound disbelief at the fact that the food, which he considered a delicacy, was destroyed instantly, and then it was maddening rage as he accepted the fact that the food was completely gone, destroyed without a trace.

"WHO WHOOOOO!!!!" Urgu yelled loudly, his voice thundering like a cannonball, his face tightening with each of the veins on his face and body pulsing rapidly, akin to a coiling snake, as he got up. He reached out to the side of him, grabbed his club, and ran outside towards the direction in which the beam of light came from, which was pretty easy since there was a hole in the hut through which smoke was still floating.

"ROAR!" Urgu roared as he ran outside, his eyes bloodshot red and his mouth hung open with his saliva dripping onto the ground akin to foam, ready to kill and eat whoever shot that laser alive. And the moment he came outside, he instantly learned what shot the light; it was an orb of what appeared to be light, floating about forty meters away. So the moment he identified the assailant, he ran towards it, grabbing his club with both hands as he ran.



Every time Urgu touched the ground after each step, the ground shook under his feet, signaling to anyone that a being akin to a giant boulder was rushing. When he was about five meters away from the orb, he jumped while grabbing the club with both hands, ready to crush the orb the next second.

But the orb, as if it did not see it, just materializes another orb similar to itself in front of it while creating what appears to be a shield between the two of them. Urgu, who was driven to mad rage akin to a burning volcano, did not care what the orb was doing; instead, it focused all its strength and swung its club toward both orbs.


Just as the club was about to make contact with both of the orbs, the orb in front exploded, with intense light akin to a grenade exploding right in front of it. The searing heat of the explosion first burned his front body, boiling his normally green skin with an orange hue into a combination of red and black. With the red being seared flesh and the black being the burned-to-a-crisp part of his skin. Then it was the shockwave that sent him stumbling backwards like a ball for a few meters.

While he was flying, he screamed like a pig that was being branded by a burning hot iron. "UUUUUAAAAAA" 



At last, after stumbling like a ball a few times backward, he finally stops and lies on the ground with the front of his body facing the sky for a few seconds with his eyes closed. But after a few seconds, he instantly opened his bloodshot eyes and sprinted towards the orb without a care, the club that was in his hands glowing a bit blue because he started using the mana enhancement. A secret technique of the chief of the tribe that he was part of. But he learned of it after the chief got old, and he tortured the way to learn it out of him and learned it.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" Urgu the troll screamed as he swung his bat.

But the orb at the last second materialized a little orb on top of it, exploded it in a miniature explosion, and instantly managed to duck. Then the orb sent a few waves of holy light towards his abdomen section, making his skin, which had just gotten seared into red and black, into a flower of red, cutting the muscle and the fat under his skin. Urgu, without flinching and caring about the injuries that he just received, swung his club again, but this time pressing his body more against the orb, almost touching it, not giving it enough space if it decided to explode again.

But the orb, as if it knew what was going on, instantly flew towards the sky, just barely dodging the swing that was directed towards it, but the club scraped a bit of it, causing the right side of the orb to lose its color a bit.

"COME BACK HERE!!!" Urgu screamed as he jumped towards the orb while readying his club to swing once again.


But alas, the sky was not the battleground in which he excels. So he failed to hit the orb and fell to the ground in failure.

But it doesn't mean he lost; even if the orb were to fly and bombard him with attacks nonstop, he wouldn't die. Trolls have one of the strongest regeneration powers in the familiar forest, akin to miracles to other races, with even lost limbs growing back in just a week or two. Urgu's regeneration power was powerful even among the trolls, and his just-as-well incredible stamina made him almost undefeatable in a prolonged battle.

So even if he got hit a few times, it wouldn't matter much to him, but if his enemy, the orb, made one mistake and got hit by him into the ground, the next follow-up attack would without a doubt kill it.

"YOU WILL DIE," Urgu screamed while some lesser burned part of his body's seared skin slowly started to fall into the with new skin taking its place. Anyone who saw this would despair as Urgu's regeneration, which is powerful even among trolls, started working its magic. But he felt something unusual; he felt that he expended more stamina to regenerate, and he felt that some of the burned-to-a-crisp parts of his body wouldn't recover without at least ten or so minutes. But he pushed the concerns that came into the back of his mind, for he was Urgu the Butcher.