Katu and Moon going on their way.

Chapter 11

Author note : The next chapter would be Moon's character sheet. XD If you are wondering, yes i am that busy. 

I was about to reread the chapter a third time but decided against it since I already felt sick of rereading one chapter.


Katu looked at the ongoing battle between Moon and the troll quietly while hiding behind a fallen tree about a hundred or so meters away. The cool air of that night was her only company since the rest of the goblins venomously refused her request for help, saying that a Great Ancestor-sent chance for freedom had arrived, and they would not be betting it on something like the result of a fight.

Which extremely infuriated her since she thought that they would at least be together with her since Sir Moon fought the troll in the first place for them. But she was also powerless to force them to come and help them fight since she couldn't overpower them nor convince them. She could defeat several of them easily because she was in her peak condition with a weapon ready while the other goblins were starved and weakened. But the quantity became a problem since there were over a dozen goblins, and there was only one of her, so she sneaked towards the battlefield alone, although Pachu said to her that he would convince them; considering how venomously they refused, she did not have much hope.

While she was going towards the battlefield, she unconsciously reflected on her stupid request for Sir Moon, which was to kill an unusually strong troll for some unknown goblins, to which Sir Moon did not have any relation or obligation other than her selfish request. But Sir Moon, despite her selfishness and childishness, graced her by fighting that troll in a life-or-death battle. Meanwhile, the goblin, which they were helping, did not even help them; instead, it deserted them at the first opportunity.

An act that she utterly despised now that she thought about it, but in the end not all fault lay on the Goblins who left her since in Goblin culture, it was every Goblin for themselves. With even father and son, mother and daughter fighting against each other when it comes to it. So she has half the blame for making Sir Moon fight that troll. 

While she was watching the fight, she noticed that Moon had the absolute upper hand, with Moon the one attacking and the troll dodging and attacking by throwing things like the trunk of a tree or a boulder in the fight, which brought her endless excitement and happiness. "Go, Sir Moon, go," she quietly muttered under her breath, even though in no way would Moon hear any of it. But in reality, the situation was not quite as she thought it was; the absolute upper hand that she thought Moon held was not true; in fact, the truth is that Moon and Troll are in a battle of attribution with Troll's regeneration and stamina vs. Moon's energy was locked in a battle with Moon doing the most of the attacking with Troll receiving it.

The situation continued for a few minutes with Katu shouting out in worry every time Moon got close to getting hit by Troll's attacks while cheering every time Moon's strong attack hit the Troll. Soon the troll fell when Moon severed the troll's neck with a swish of a giant golden wave attack.

When the troll fell, Katu quickly moved out of her hiding spot while dropping the makeshift smoke bomb that was in her hand in case the situation turned unfavorable for Moon. Her feet tick-tocked against the ground as she sprinted, the cool night air brushing against her hair gently while a crescent-curved, big smile adorned her face without change.

When she was about ten or so meters away, she halted, her expression one of pure shock as she gazed at Sir Moon, who was changing. No, more like evolving. Slowly a pair of untainted, pristine, pure white wings came out of Sir Moon, while the middle part of his body took the shape of a ball, akin to a sun, as it radiated so much light that Katu for a second thought the day came early. 

"Wow," she slowly muttered as she gazed at Sir Moon, who was slowly evolving. It was beautiful and sacred, akin to mythical heavenly angels being born. But from the corner of her vision, she saw something that was quite disturbing. She saw the troll who was killed by Moon slowly dissolving into smoke. And the smoke was going towards him slowly, helping him reshape his body.

First, it was the troll's skin, then it was the flesh underneath it. Little by little they evaporated, akin to how water evaporates under fierce sunlight. Then finally, after ten or so seconds, only the bones were left. And it looked like the bones were going to evaporate soon, judging by the fact that smoke was coming out of the bones. When suddenly from the skull of the troll what seemed a soul of the troll came out. The expression it had on its face was one of absolute terror as it flew towards Sir Moon, specifically Sir Moon's left wing. 


With an audible sound, the soul of the troll hit the wing of Sir Moon. But it left no visible marking that indicated that it did anything. No, she thought a second later as she narrowed her eyes, almost squinting as she observed Moon's wings. On the lower part of the wing, on one of the feathers, she saw the face of the troll imprinted on the wing. It had the last expression the troll had when it was devoured by Sir Moon, which was one of terror.

While she was observing, Moon had finally finished evolving. He had an untainted, pristine white pair of wings akin to the purest of clouds. With an eye as its main body. The eye had strange symbols and chains in them, and the sclera had chains around them that somehow gave Katu the feeling that it was using it to seal whatever was inside of it in hopes that the world outside would not face whatever was inside.

She slowly inched closer while her leg was shaking for an unknown reason since it is Sir Moon without a doubt. But for unknown reasons she was scared. It could be the fact that the soul of the troll was devoured by him, or even the fact that he became something akin to a monster even by the familiar forest's standards, or it could be both.

While she was inching closer, Moon suddenly started looking around, darting left and right, and before long, as if he found what he was looking for, he gently flew to a puddle. After looking at himself for a few seconds, she heard him mutter, "I, ̷at ̶last, ̵have ̵a ̸body, soon." Its voice has a dreadful vibe hidden in it even though at first glance it seemed calm and filled with kindness.

Finally mustering her courage, she said his name. "Sir Moon?" But it came out as weak and filled with hesitation, which in all honesty portrayed her current feelings perfectly.

The monstrous angel turned towards her instantly; its eyes shone as the sun itself locked into her for a few seconds, freezing her body and blood instantly. After what seemed like minutes, the angel said. "Katu" in Sir Moon's normal deep and magnetic voice with none of the eldritch and monstrous apparent. This caused Katu to relax instantly as her tense body loosened up. 

Then Sir Moon turned right, looking a bit behind her. She followed his gaze a second later, looking at Pachu and the rest of the goblins huddled together. "Pachu did manage to convince them, huh?" She muttered before looking at Sir Moon. She noticed that Sir Moon was looking intensely at the goblin, akin to how one looked at the worthless piece of trash that no one wanted and the world would be better off without it. At least that was what she managed to gather from Sir Moon's one eye.

And it gave her a bad feeling as if something bad was about to happen.

Sir Moon then slowly floated towards them, his wings gently flapping, sending a gentle wind around him as he floated. When he was about five steps away, Moon asked them. "So you are the goblins that Pachu talked about?" He slowly asked.

The sudden question and the appearance of Moon, who, in all honesty, looked disturbing whenever which angle one looked at him, seemed to scare them as they all hid behind Pachu, shaking profusely. Meanwhile, Pachu just stood there with a stiff expression. "Ummm, yes, these are the goblins from my tribe; this goblin here is Pqes, and this one...." 

"Was my question directed towards you?" Moon asked, interrupting Pachu mid-speech. His giant golden eyes bore down on Pachu relentlessly without blinking. Causing Pachu to sweat like never before, causing him to freeze. "Why is Sir Moon acting like this, and why are my tribesmen so scared?" Pachu wondered, but whether it is a blessing or not, the fact that he can't see allowed him to keep his cool.

Then Moon shifted his gaze towards the goblin who was still hiding behind Pachu. With a higher volume than before, Moon asked again. "Are you all from Pachu's tribe?" which caused them to cower even more.



They made all kinds of noises in response to Moon's question, but none of them answered Moon's question, causing Moon to start losing his patience even more rapidly. The disgust and anger that bordered on racism that came to be after the transformation were the first reasons.

"ANSWER ME!" Moon yelled after a few seconds of silence. This worked as the goblin hiding behind Pachu sprang up and started answering.

"We are My Lord."

"Spare me, please, oh great one."

"We are, we are, we are."

Moon looked at them, his gaze dropping heavily on them as he sighed in his mind. "Let's just get this over with, he thought as he decided to ask only one question and be on his way. The unknown stench of filth that they were radiating caused him to gag despite having only one eye as a body. With even Pachu and Katu not being an exception to the stench that he is smelling, despite not having a nose. Although the stench coming from Katu is much less compared to the rest, it is almost invisible when these disgusting creatures are in front of Moon.

"Those who have eaten your kin, raise your hand." 

The goblins looked at one another, confused as to why this being was asking them to raise hands if they had eaten their kin. But some of them, fearing that more waiting will cause Moon to kill them all, Three goblins out of the dozen raised their hands weakly, with hesitation visible to the naked eye as their eyes darted left and right, hoping that they made the correct decision by raising their hands.

Moon just looked at the three who raised their hands and the rest who did not slowly. Not believing for even a little bit that the rest had never eaten their kin. "Did the rest of you di not eat?" Moon inquired, his voice neutral and calm. 

The remaining goblins who did not raise their hands nodded rapidly while bowing, some kneeling. 

"Yes, I have never eaten my kin."

"Yes, Lord, I did not."

"I never even dreamed of eating...."

They said pleadingly, akin to a dog wagging his tail to his owner, while the three who raised their hands started regretting that they raised them, with one of them even slowly lowering his hands while changing position.

Moon, who looked on quietly, noticed that black smoke was rising from them every time they lied. The wisp of black smoke rose from where their mouth was located. Although he should have been confused if suddenly black smoke started coming out of the goblin, for some reason, be it inhaled knowledge or instinct, he instantly knew that the black smoke was coming out of their mouth because they were lying to him.

But he did not voice it out; he just looked at them one by one and counted. When those who hadn't said anything met his gaze, they started chirping like little birds. Even the one who had already raised their hands backtracked. "Ummm, I was forced, at that time...". He quietly watched; finally, when all of the dozen or so goblins were finished, he looked at Pachu. Signaling to him that he was no exception.

Pachu froze for a second before saying. "I did not eat it; I only ate the food that I secretly stored."

Finally at last Moon shifted his gaze to Katu, although he didn't think she did eat it. Because her mother was venomously angry when one of her tribes suggested eating the dead elders. Heck, he even saw her beating that guy up after the meeting behind in the clearing with the guy begging "Mercy" while Kale just shouted at him. "I only have a few rules in this tribe, and you broke three of them today. What next would you..."

Katu jolted under his gaze, her gaze unfocused while her shoulder slumped while replying. "No, I have never eaten any."

Moon then shifted his gaze back to the dozen or so goblins and said, "Except Katu, all of you lied." His voice echoed through the night sky, akin to a final judgment for them. The gentle breeze that once filled the sky around them ceases as if they are accepting his judgment. While the insects that chirped without care grew quiet as if foreboding something ominous. Then he slowly shifted his gaze to Pachu. "Even you"

If they had not eaten their kin once in their lifetime, Moon would have spared them, although he already had little hope for it considering what happened to him and their tribe. He had said eating children and elders of one's own race with not much emotion, almost dry, almost as if most of them had done that. He at first just planned on beating up those who did that act, but the disgust he felt for some reason after evolution felt made him change his decision. And the small gnawing in the back of his head that is whispering to him to torture them and kill them did not help at all, only making it worse.

So Moon gently floated up higher and started radiating an immense amount of holy energy at them in the form of a light beam. Causing the goblins, including Pachu, to burn. 





They screamed akin to a burned banshee as they fell to the ground, some of their hands thrashing around in hopes that they would make it away while some covered their eyes and faces. Their skin slowly got seared and fell off after it turned black. Those who unfortunately had their eyes open when Moon started spreading holy energy had their eyes turn into a white puddle, but Moon did not stop. The goblins started trying to escape, some crawling while some more physically capable sprinting, but Moon materialized the energy around them in the shape of a rope, instantly binding them.




Moon did not stop, nor did he give any mercy; he just looked at them calmly. Their burning and crying form reflected off his pupils as he watched them.

Finally, after they all burned to a complete crisp, he stopped, the smell that almost suffocated him gone along with the gnawing noise that was whispering behind his neck. Instead, satisfaction remained, although Moon thought that he shouldn't have this feeling. But he did not resist it. The cool breeze of the night embraced him again as he slowly floated downwards. 

The grass surrounding the swayed every time his wings flapped, with only Moon and Katu remaining.

"Let's go," Moon said as he gently flapped his wings and floated away. Katu, who saw this, slowly got up and followed Moon. Her body was stiff and rigid, akin to a robot, as she followed after him. Her eyes trailed across the remains of those unfortunate. Their charred remains, akin to burned coal, were the only indication that a living being was once here.