Finally the CITY

Chapter 12

Under gentle sunlight with almost no clouds in sight, Moon and Katu could be seen sitting on top of a massive dead tree with a width of nearly two meters inside a jungle-like area of the familiar forest. Which is habituated by a gorilla-like magical beast akin to a mini version of King Kong. Their average height reached three meters, and their strength matched their mighty size, with them reaching peak low class when they reached adulthood, making them true rulers of this part of the forest. At least that was what the gorillas thought before Moon massacred them in the name of testing his new strength. Their body, which they thought to be an unbreakable shield akin to a boulder, was broken and sliced every time Moon materialized a cold weapon and swung at them or cut them up using a wave of light. Their incredibly powerful punches, which they thought to be capable of killing anything but the mightiest of other races, did nothing but scratch Moon despite their desperate effort. With every member of their species that Moon killed, they attacked with double the ferocity and fury as if the dead ones were to make up for it, but it was all in vain.

"They stopped coming, huh?" Moon thought as he waited for his holy energy to regenerate. Which had become a bit slower, taking an hour or so to top off if he ever became fully out of it. Although he found a few ways to increase the speed at which he regenerates holy energy, such as. Moon slowly shifted his gaze and looked at the dead remains of a few gorillas. Their body bisected into several sections, with their internal organs, such as the intestines, stomach, and the like, becoming a feast for flies as they ate and planted their eggs on their remains with gusto and relish.

Then from the remains of the corpses, specifically from their skulls, a white fog-like thing started coming out of their bodies and floated towards Moon with the last expression they had when they were alive on their faces, with most of them being filled with wide eyes and mouths hung low as if they were roaring with a few tears running down their faces, getting absorbed by Moon. "Only those who are middle class could be stored, and the rest would just help me recover, huh," Moon thought as he rested with six extra little faces on his left wing, right beside the troll. His mind is idling away as he sat.

It has been a few days since then he transformed, and he spent the time familiarizing himself with his new power. Experimenting as he traveled towards the city. He bulldozed towards the city with confidence in his strength, almost going straight towards the city, and only in two parts of the forest did he take a bit of a detour, and he should be arriving at the city by tomorrow with the speed they are going. 


The last bit of their soul was absorbed as Moon started flapping his wings and started floating up. "Let's go," Moon said as he started slowly flying, while Katu, who looked a lot better after a few days, followed after him. "Okay, Sir Moon," she chirped as she sprang up from her seat on the massive tree.

So they resumed their journey towards the city, with Katu skipping down the road like a little child while Moon gently flapped his wings every few seconds to fly. "Sir Moon, I wonder if those strong, scarred ones will appear more," she asked as she turned towards him.

"Probably won't, since we've killed all six tribe chiefs," Moon said to her. 

Katu quietly nodded at him as she resumed looking at the road. With the trophies that she got from them dangling proudly on her. A golden amulet, a golden ring with a diamond of considerable size embedded in it, and a few other things that Moon couldn't use and gave to her as a present.

Unknown to them, about eight hundred or so meters away on a distant hill, about a hundred or so gorillas could be seen gazing at them with their fists clenched tightly and their bodies shaking with suppressed rage and frustration. But their eyes conveyed entirely different emotions, glowing with frustration at their honor being stepped on without care and their powerlessness of being unable to do anything to claim it even if they sacrificed their lives. Among the gorillas, a white old gorilla who looked to be the leader, standing in front of all of them, slowly turned around and walked away going down the hill while muttering just loud enough for most of them to hear. "Let's go; we need to determine the new chief and count all remaining."

Prompting the other gorillas to turn around and follow the old gorillas. Their backs were sacked, and their limbs were heavy and slow as they followed after him while casting a weak shadow on the ground.


"Tan tan ta taa tan taaan," Katu hummed as he bounced on the road. The soft sunlight fell right on top of her head, right on her crown, as she bounced about. Her face was one of satisfaction as she hummed. 

"What are you humming?" Moon, who was flying beside her, asked.

"A song," she replied.

"Why are you only humming the lyrics?" Moon asked.

"Because I don't know the name or the words of the song." Moon, who after hearing her reply, for some reason, felt a déjà vu as if something like this happened before. Making him unconsciously reduce the rate at which he flapped his wings. Dropping him about twenty or so centimeters below the height that he flew normally. But he shook it off and started flapping his wings again, returning to his usual height.

"A Deja Vu," Moon slowly muttered as he slowly flew. 

Then suddenly from beside them, about ten meters away, a woman's voice that is quite familiar to Moon sounded. "Breaking dawn, the name of the song is Breaking dawn." Kale, the mother of Katu, replied while coming out from behind a tree. With a little bit of dirt and leaf adorning her otherwise beautiful and fair hair and shoulder.

"So it was you that was following us, huh?" Moon said, his gaze locking onto Kale and observing her.

Meanwhile, Kale studied Moon in return, her eyes narrowing into thin slits in the process. His appearance was both awe-inspiring and unsettling—a figure with pristine white wings resembling clouds and an eldritch eye as a body with glowing symbols of unknown meaning in its eyes. He seemed like a being conjured straight out of the imagination of a young goblin, making her question her own sanity despite seeing him with her own eyes.

What unsettled her even more was the surreal confirmation of his identity. For the past thirty minutes, she had been observing him through a bird's-eye view, noting every interaction and detail to know if her suspicion was correct. Now, standing face to face with him, her mind finally accepts that he is Moon, no matter how crazy it is.

"You have changed a lot since I last saw you," Kale said with a little smirk adorning her face while crossing her arms.

"Yes, I have changed quite a bit," Moon replied back, his heavy and penetrating gaze falling on her face, causing the smirk to slowly disappear from her face. Although he did not intend to make her uncomfortable, but because of his appearance, it just happened.

So after he answered, he asked the question that he had. "What are you doing here? I thought you intended to stay in the tribe."

Kale just shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly with a bland expression on her face upon hearing his question. "Well, I thought so at first, but after Katu left, I realized I felt no attachment nor duty towards the tribe. So I left the tribe after finishing a few businesses."

Katu, who had been beside the two of them, interjected. "So, how did you find us? , We are going east towards the city instead of going south.

Kale, with a bit of a mischievous expression on her face, while waving her hand in front of Katu, replied. "It is a goblin secret."

"MOM!" Katu whined at her mother with her cheek puffed with frustration. Clearly showing that something like this happened in the past.

"What do you need, my dear?" Kale asked, instantly changing her face and body language to that of a clueless mother with her eyebrow raised and eyes widened, asking what her daughter wanted.

"MOOM!" Katu whined again, this time a bit louder, and her face red.

Kale, in response to her, just raised her hands in mock surrender. "OK, OK, I will tell you," she said while eyeing the treasures that adorned her daughter with a fake greedy expression while rubbing her thumb against her fingers in a gesture of money. "But it will cost you."

"Hummp," Katu humped immediately after she said that, after which she crossed her arms and turned around, locking her gaze into the clouds. Not intending to give up her treasure over a petty secret, which she did not even know if she could even learn, heck, even if she did not give up her treasure, her mother would eventually teach her if she could learn it since they would probably be traveling together, she silently thought to herself.

However, if one looked at Katu's face closely, one could notice that her eyes were slightly twitching and she was tapping her arms. Trying to resist the temptation.

"How about we travel while conversing?" Moon suggested, looking at Katu and Kale in turn to see if they agreed with his suggestion.

"Understood, Sir Moon," Kale responded to him while nodding slightly.

"Ok, Sir Moon," Katu said as she turned to him.


After that, they resumed their journey toward the city with an additional company in the name of Kale. With her as a new addition, the journey instantly became much more relaxing and enjoyable for everyone. On the journey, Kale would make some light-hearted jokes and share some knowledge that Moon or Katu did not know of, making them question why they did not think of this sooner. Heck, she even helped Katu to cook and prepare a bed for Moon, although at first he refused, but under Kales's intense insistence, he gave in, so Moon that night slept on a big bed with leaves and branches as the body of the bed and animal skin and hide as the sheet of the bed. Making him instantly fall asleep, although in reality he still can't sleep but he instantly fell into a sleep-like state, his mind zoning out and becoming a bit cloudy. 

About three meters away from Moon, while lying on her own bed, Katu reflected on her own mother Kale's strange behavior. In the past, while she would occasionally make jokes and have some fun with her, today it was a whole other story. The whole time they traveled, a relaxing, slight smile never left her mother the entire time, and her body was relaxed and calm, as if a weight had fallen off her shoulder. 

"Weight?" Katu wondered while slightly raising one of her eyebrows.

"Ummm, Tribe maybe?" she thought, after which she turned towards her mother, who was lying beside her, and hugged her tightly. Her arms wrapped around her hips as she pulled herself closer. 


Tomorrow morning they came to the city almost four hours before their predicted time. Making Moon a bit happy since he was getting a bit tired of always traveling, no matter how fun it was.

"WHOAAA, IS THAT THE CITY????" Katu wondered outload with stars glowing in her eyes and her mouth in the shape of an O as she gazed at the city.

In the distance, about three or four kilometers away, stood the walls of the city, about five or six meters tall, all made out of big rocks or boulders. With some small bits of grass and moss growing on it. While along the walls stood watchtowers, with wood and trunk of a tree as a support, it stood above the wall. Filled with guards vigilantly looking for any sign of attacks.

Meanwhile, inside the city stood three castles with flags that represented different monsters. An orc, a lizard man, and a mink. Each castle had its own unique design, different from all others. The orc had the skulls of giant animals as decoration, and the lizardman had a water fountain and waterfall in the castle. While the minks had towering spiral watchtowers. (Did not know what to write for minks)

All in all, Under the bright and intense sun, it looked beautiful, magnificent even. Making any local monster who has never seen a city watch with gaped mouth in astonishment when they first see it.

Outside the city there was a small settlement akin to a village, which while much better than any tribe that Moon had seen but right next to the city. It looked kind of underwhelming in comparison. But still a village of considerable size and population nonetheless.

"Yes, my dear," Kale answered Katu, the edge of her mouth curving upwards in the shape of a light smile as she gazed fondly at the city.

"All right, let's go," Moon declared loudly beside them, his deep voice vibrating through them as he gently flapped his wings and started flying towards it. But if you look closely you can notice that he was going faster than usual with his wings flapping more frequent. Showing that even he is feeling excited at the prospect of finally entering true civilization.

Kale, upon hearing him, surfaced an awkward face mix of awkwardness and previous slight smile. "Ummm, I don't think you can go in." She said, her voice just barely reaching Moon, making Moon stop right in his tracks.