New abilities and training.

Chapter 19

[Info dump: Seraphim: In various religious traditions, especially within Christianity, the seraphim are often depicted as angelic beings. In the Bible, specifically in the Book of Isaiah, seraphim are described as fiery creatures with six wings who surround God's throne, singing praises. Their name comes from the Hebrew word "saraph," meaning "to burn" or "fiery ones." They are often associated with purity, light, and divine presence, if you are wondering.

"What a pleasant surprise," Moon thought happily as he soared through the sky. His new pair of wings was on full display as he started doing aerial stunts like the Cobra Maneuver, barrel roll, and Immelmann Turn in celebration. He didn't expect to evolve right when he was fighting; in fact, he thought he would evolve when he was fighting against something strong like a drake or wyvern, just like in those anime or novels that he saw. But he evolved when fighting against those orcs. Granted, they weren't that weak, especially that orc with a scar across its face, but it wasn't exactly hard either. However, it became much easier after he evolved, so the latter part of the fight doesn't count.

Slowly, on the edge of the horizon, he saw his cave beneath one of the big trees in the forest through the slight opening between the branches. Granted, the only reason he managed to see that far was because of his ability and his body, which granted him vision and senses that he would have never imagined. Nevertheless, he flew back to his cave to find out what abilities he had gained after the evolution, as he had a feeling that he had gained some interesting abilities through the faint hunch that he had.


While sending a gust to the surroundings, Moon landed right in front of his cave, sending waves of dirt in the process. After that, he flew to his favorite resting spot and rested for about thirty minutes. As despite his superior strength and endurance, the orcs had still managed to tire him—though not entirely.

After a bit of resting, he got up from his bed and started exploring his ability.

"So how should I activate this ability?" He wondered for a second as he tried to make it work, following the faint instinct he somehow had. He first willed considerable holy energy to the left side of his body and willed that energy to go beyond his body while loosening those parts of his body in which holy energy is located.

Slowly his lower wing's edge, in which the energy is located, started dematerializing and turned into a white golden flame that for some reason doesn't flicker or move. Strange as it sounds.

He tried manipulating the flame, and the flame moved like it was part of his body, though considering that it was part of his body, it didn't surprise him.

The flame first did a barrel roll before diving headfirst towards a nearby tree. The flame hit the tree, but it did nothing. No burning into ashes, nor exploding, which somehow confused Moon. As he expected a massive explosion to happen.

So after he got up, he started flying while looking for animals to test it on. And soon he found it. A small rabbit the size of a normal human's torso, which under normal circumstances would look humongous, but here, in the familiar forest, it was a common sight.

The flame touched the rabbit, but it did nothing; it didn't burn or explode, granted the flame could touch the rabbit and interact with it.

Moon's eyes narrowed, and his wings started flapping faster. "Why isn't it doing anything?" Moon muttered as confusion found its place in Moon's head.


Suddenly, he heard a weird sound and turned in the direction in which it came from and saw nothing but his flames. "What was that sound?" he wondered as he flapped closer and looked around for a bit, surveying the surroundings. Only for his brain to click a second later as he noticed that the rabbit had disappeared. "What the…?" Moon wondered as he looked around for the rabbit.

But he didn't see any trace of it anywhere, neither in the bushes nor in the holes in the surroundings. "So that leaves the cause of disappearance only the flame?" Moon, though, was unsure of himself. So he tested it again on another animal, a boar. Step by step he followed in his footsteps on what he had done.

First, he let the flame touch the boar and waited for a few seconds, which didn't do anything. Then he retraced his thought process, thinking that it should help, which worked as the flame instantly evaporated, no, purified? the creature. Though he isn't sure, since the creature disappeared too quickly, not even leaving behind the smoke or ashes to indicate that a living, breathing creature had just been here.

After that, he tried and tested the flame and noticed that the flame only burned those he intended to. It would burn a whole tree in seconds if he wanted to by following his will, but it wouldn't bend a blade of grass if he didn't will it to. An ability that he thought to be pretty useful and interesting.

"Next up," Moon muttered as he turned to the father pig, who was squealing crazily. [Silence] Moon said while using his new ability, which was called [Authority], a power to command all living creatures. And the father pig instantly quit. It stopped making noise; heck, its body even froze to not make any extra noise. "Mmmm....How about this?" Moon muttered as he commanded the father pig more. [Lead me to where your kin is located]. The father pig started moving and began leading Moon to its children. He spent the next few minutes following the pig, and the pig at last led Moon to where its children were. "It worked, huh?" Moon muttered. After that, he began experimenting with both of his abilities for the next few hours. First, he tested his ability on plants and normal animals, and after that on magical beasts from low to mid-class. Heck, he even flew to one of the nearby high-class beings and used it on it. As he was feeling quite confident after he evolved to high class.

And the conclusion and things that he learned are that. [Authority] Which, while sounding powerful, has a drawback: he would have to use his holy energy as a battery when he controlled them. For being below his class, he controls them without a problem. He could force them to commit suicide or even reveal every secret they had, and they would obey without hesitation. But if they are the same class, [Authority] would still kind of work, but if the being has strong mental strength, they can resist. And how much it affects the [Authority] would have over them depends on how strong they are mentally or how much strength difference there is within the class. Like, for example, if the opponent is at the peak of high class, and he is at the bottom, even counting the abnormal combat strength he had, the effect would be reduced and If the target also has a strong mental strength, [Authority] would have even lesser effect.

No more than causing one to twitch or slow down.

But still, he could see dozens of applications that he could use.

He could extract any information from anything alive; heck, if he improved his abilities, he could also do hypnotism or plant a trigger inside beings, and when the time came right, he could make it spring out.

"Also," Moon muttered under his breath. If in the future his subordinate's morale or will goes down, he could enforce it. Making them regain their fighting spirit.

Then it was the flame, which improved his fighting ability as the flame followed his will and burned, no, purified what he wished. And the flame somehow is extremely strong. He experimented on a high-class troll just an hour ago, after first testing the [Authority] on it. He tested the flame on it after, and the result did not disappoint him; heck, it even exceeded his expectations. The flame would first separate everything it came in touch with; whenever it was a living being or even a thing like rock, it would first separate the components that made it up and then purify it.

So in the short term, he just got himself a considerable passive boost to every attack. And to add a cherry on top, the flame's consumption of holy energy is almost nonexistent, so he could spam it as much as he wants as long as no vital area is transformed, as it would be dangerous if another being managed to seal that part of him.

As an experiment, Moon fully transformed himself into a flame and tried flying around for a bit. The result was a bit disappointing: the flame's speed was the same as his flying. But he shook it off the next second as he wanted too much even though he had already gotten much more than he originally thought.


The following days were spent on training and practicing just as usual. He woke up when the first ray of sunshine graced the world and started flying the next minute towards a lake. There he would wash up and kill a middle-class being, then eat its soul. Equative of eating for him, as it causes him to feel more content and fuller for the day, even though ironically he doesn't have a stomach, or any other organ than an eye for that matter.

After that, he would start training by swimming to the depth of the lake while manipulating the materialized energy to grab onto small fishes that inhabited the lake. And every time he grabbed it, he would release them back as the number of fish in the lake is finite.

After an hour or two of that, he would fly out of the water and start hunting for the day.

When almost nighttime came around, he would fly back to his cave to rest. Only to wake up just a few hours later to start the day again.

This was a routine that he normally followed, though there would be a few deviations like Katu or Kale joining him, or some trouble happening to the business and the like. So although with some changes, he would mostly follow this routine, which a normal person, or even a person with incredible willpower and grit, would grow weary and tired if continued for an extended amount of time. Whenever they endured weeks, months, they would eventually feel it.

But Moon did not feel any of it.

He did not get bored or tired; heck, the small progress that he made was all that he needed to keep on doing it indefinitely.

Moon shook his face; his body stopped moving as he froze in the depths of the lake with fish of various sizes and colors swimming around him.

"Am I changing?" Moon wondered, his eyes trailing across the faint sun that reached the depth of the lake.

"When did I become like this?" A question followed the next second.

A question to which he did not have any answer. "Was it when I first died?" His mind dug into his memory as it drew out his memory, which when he died and was reborn anew, as an angel.

"Or was it when I killed that troll?" His mind follows through his memory of killing that troll, Urgu, was its name. That day he started feeling that disgust towards other beings. That was also the day that the seed of ambition first started sprouting.

His mind calms down as he resumes his training. "Every being, whenever it is a human, animal, or plant, changes throughout their life, so even if I were to completely change into a being, I couldn't recognize. It is fine as long as I have my memories that prove that at one point. I, Moon of today, past of tomorrow's Moon existed. It is enough."