Into the Kuoh city

The divine has ordered that there will be no romance in this novel. Does anyone agree or disagree?. Be warned; the divine is in a bad mood and would probably kill anyone who stood in its way. 


Chapter 27

(3 February 2010) (2 months before cannon)

The night was snowy and windy, as one would expect when it was still February, as it was one of the coldest months in Japan. But still, for Kuoh City, it didn't diminish them; instead, it only added a layer of pristine white coat over the city. Making the city even more beautiful than without it.

The neon lights of the city made the city glisten like a jewel of various colors as street vendors sold Takoyaki, Yakisoba, or even Yakitori. And the people who were touring or spending time around the city sometimes bought a few of them with peaceful smiles adorned on their faces.

The giggles of young girls accompanied by their boyfriends, the haughty laughter of children as they ran around doing what they wished, and the middle-aged couples who were traveling around the city in reminiscence of their younger days.

All in all, the city was one of happiness and laughter, but still, just like there would always be a shadow when there is light. A few places, like abandoned buildings or abandoned churches, were empty and without people.

But the abandoned church wouldn't be empty for long, as a group of people with four fallen angels with one pair of wings that was as dark as the night sky came about.

"Mind explaining to me what we are doing here?" A small girl with blonde hair, which was styled into twin-tails, and blue eyes spoke with annoyance.

She wore a Gothic Lolita attire, which consisted of a black dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar; white thigh-high socks with suspender garters; a black set of frilly panties; and black shoes. She also wore a large black bow on top of her hair. She was a fallen angel named Mittelt.

And a fallen angel who stood at the front replied. "Orders from above—check for Sacred Gear users or anyone talented. Recruit if possible. If not, just watch." Huffed another beautiful fallen angel who was more beautiful than any supermodel. She was an attractive young woman with violet eyes and a curvaceous, slender body. She had long, silky black hair that reached down to her hips and possessed two black feathered wings characteristic of her race, and on her face was an annoyance even more apparent.

"WHYYYY?" Millet wailed like she was ordered to build a house using only a toothpick. Her fist tightened, and her mouth widened as she screamed.

And her scream seemed to annoy Raynare even more as she shot Millet a vicious gaze. A gaze that sent a message that if she were to do anything that annoyed her more than it already had, she would pay.

Millet understood her gaze, so she stopped and turned right to look elsewhere while huffing. "Mmmmm." An act she did because she was trying not to look scared off without looking like she was.

After this, they flew to an abandoned church and ordered a few of their subordinates to set up the base, the most minimal one, but still a base. All while they barked orders without care.

After some time, they finally finished setting up the base and started relaxing. A fallen angel named Kalawarner started by taking a long, warm bath while Dohnaseek was having fun with a human girl that he grabbed along the way. He took his time as he savored her fully from top to bottom, as he hadn't had any chance to release some pent-up frustration recently.

Millet also wanted to enjoy herself like him, but because her toy was already broken, she had to go to the city to get a new one. Raynare also accompanied her to the city, not to find a toy or something, just to comb through the city and get an initial investigation in order.

Also, along the way, she could enjoy herself by ruining the lives of unfortunate people, especially those who were enjoying themselves. As ripping the smile off a happy couple brings her the most satisfaction, no, bringing pain upon rude bitches brings even more satisfaction. Raynare thought as her mind wandered towards the past, where once, while traveling around Europa, a rude village girl called her breast sagging.

A vicious and cold smile slowly creeps upon her face, and the edges of her eyes squint in happiness.

"She got what she deserved," Raynare thought as she remembered how she sold her to a most run-down brothel as a lowest rung slave prostitute. She even went through the trouble of killing all her family members just in case they went and brought her back.

The bright eyes of hers that slowly dimmed over time as she was rammed through by tens of men every day and how her body slowly gave up brought her a pleasure like no other. A pleasure that not even the greatest of sex or even the strongest of drugs could ever hope to emulate. As a consequence, it made her forget about things such as the pleasures of the flesh or the powder keg that was called drugs, but she didn't miss them much as she had enjoyed the pleasure of flesh and drugs more times than she could count through the millennia that she lived.

"I should just get a brief scan in order tomorrow and leave," Raynare thought as she decided to leave this city after only half-heartedly combing through it once. After all, what are the chances that anybody would check up on this city after she left? Not only that, but for there to be a sacred gear right in this city in Japan?, No way in hell. Even if there were, they were probably recruited by the overseer of this territory with their fancy peerage pieces. 

Though unknown to her, in another possible future, because she was previously here and had investigated, she would later be sent to Kuoh again. Due to several coincidences and her ambition, she would lure Asia Argento, an excommunicated nun, to this city to steal her sacred gear. Although in that possible future, she would be severely stumped and confused for over a week on how naive and sheltered the girl was.

Heck, the girl, Asia Argento, even had to rely on them for food because she wasn't capable of finding food on her own. And would possibly starve to death if left alone.

But unfortunately or fortunately for her, she would be beaten by a perverted sacred gear user and, as a consequence, die due to it. But that possible future stopped being a possibility due to a certain angel who was coming from the underworld.





"Uwaaaa," Kalawalker exhaled as she relaxed back into the bathtub. Her tense body relaxed, and the muscle on her face softened as she leaned back. Her chest floated on the surface of the water. As the water relieved her back of the constant pressure, she closed her eyes and enjoyed herself.

"What should I have for dinner?" She whispered as she thought of food that she currently wanted.

"Pizza?" she asked herself.

"No, not feeling like it." She answered. 

"How about some burgers?" She asked herself again.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," she said as she nodded to herself, still with her eyes closed, but now with a small smile on her face.

While Kalawalker was washing her and taking a long hot bath. A giant round white object suddenly appears on top of the church and starts to fall on top of the abandoned church.

The moment she heard the swooshing of the wind and crunching of the church's roof, her muscle memory kicked in as she instantly got up and dashed.

Her figure was a blur as she ran through the halls of the abandoned church naked, her chest bouncing up and down like watermelons and her lower body, specifically the cheeks, clapping due to still being wet as she barely in time jumped out of the church.

She did a barrel roll a few times before stopping, after which she put on her clothes using magic and looked behind her to look at what had fallen on top of their base. Though she had half a mind to just leave, as she was quite sure that the thing that attacked them was devils, considering that they technically trespassed into their territory.

But contrary to her expectation, what she saw was only a giant white ball, which for some odd reason had four long, pillar-like tendrils. An intense burning smell permeated her a second later, causing her to scrunch her nose. "What the hell?" she muttered, only to stop as she noticed that the giant ball was, in fact, a giant, massive, humongous eye. But because the eye was facing downwards and the smoke was blocking her view, she initially didn't manage to capture the view. But after the smoke fell a bit, she noticed it.

Only for her to freeze a second later as she realized that the huge eye, almost four meters in diameter, was, in fact, an angel; to top it off, it was an angel that was on the cadre tier.

"How could a giant eyeball be an angel?" She asked herself as she gawked at the huge eye with her mouth wide. Ever since time immemorial, even in the olden days, all the angels that were created by that one were all beautiful or handsome, even by the supernatural world's standards. With their perfectly systematic body and faces, along with their gentle and soft expression, they were viewed as one of the beacons of beauty. With only some gods or goddesses being above them, even then, some angels like the Great Archangel Gabriel were even above those goddeses in terms of look.

But here lay an abomination-like angel on the ruins of their makeshift base. With a warped and blended body that screamed that it was a monster, along with four impossibly long burned tendril that for some reason had face of monsters?

"Yep. Without a doubt, a monster." She silently thought to herself.

Still, the pure holy energy and the small white feathers that were there at the base of the tendril told her all she needed to know. That she needed to flee and to not to look back.

So she did just that; she turned around and spread her wings wide and prepared to fly. 


Was all she heard before she felt one of the tendrils penetrate through her chest, coming out of the other side. Her eyes contrasted, and her face took on the shade of white as she turned around to plead. Only one of the other tendrils found its way and penetrated her leg, severing it into two pieces due to how thick it was.

"NOOOO! WAIT!!, I...." she screams, only for her scream to be drowned out by the other tendrils also penetrating her. And the tendrils, which were in fact wings, pulled out of the wound that was there and tore through her again.



Until all that was left was just a meat pile and some blood. Which also disappeared the next second due to the angel using his ability and burning up everything.





"Disgusting wench," Moon cursed unconsciously due to how much disgust he felt and the thickest killing intent that appeared in his hazy mind. Even though he wasn't sure what he killed except the feminine voice that he heard, but the absolute disgust he felt was all he needed to determine what he would have to do.

Which is to obliterate everything that has any connection to it to smithereens. An act that he was about to do again as he felt another stench below him under the collapsed church, crawling upwards towards him. Along with several others who were also there.

Soon, a scream or pleading of a few beings rang out before dying out the next second along with flames of the Moon destroying everything.

After neatly burning everything, he turned towards Kale and Katu. Who just saw all of this happen with a somewhat calm expression. Heck, even the guards had calm and neutral expressions.

He extended one of his wings, which, embarrassingly enough, looked more like a burned octopus tentacle rather than wings, and healed all of them, along with wiping away their exhaustion.

Kale and Katu, along with their bodyguards, just stood still as it happened, for they knew that he would not have any ulterior motive.

"Thank you," Kale said as she nodded politely towards him with the healthy color of her body returned to what it should, which is soft green.

"Thank you, Sir Moon," Katu chirped with a smile, but there was a hint of exhaustion visible in the depth of her eyes despite her already recovering physically. A thing that he deeply understood as today has been a very hectic day. She probably fought and killed off more than she could count today.

Though now that he thought about it, he should also be quite tired, considering that he first fought Thunder Rabbit, then he massacred the whole city, after which he had a brief showdown with Tiamat.

Moon, though, only noticed that his vision was blurring as he continued to think. But he forced himself to stay awake as he didn't know if he was in a safe place or if Tiamat wouldn't follow them along, as he was quite sure that a dragon of Tiamat's rank might be capable of teleportation between realms.

"Let's go," Moon said as he prepared himself to travel east. 

Why East ?, someone might ask.

Because in the west there was a city. And he doesn't want to enter or be anywhere near any city, as that is where most of the supernatural beings are located. And he doesn't know if his self-control would prevail against his instinct of massacring everything that was sinful, just like the things that he just killed. As he was pretty that there was more from just the ones that he killed in the city.

All four of his wings stabbed the ground, shakingly, as his wings, obeying Moon's orders, prepared to go along for another march.

He took a step, shakingly and slow, but Moon radiated a holy energy from himself and enhanced his wings. Causing them to stop shaking as he took another step. Only to suddenly fall even though he enhanced his wings.

"Why are my wings not moving?" Moon, wondered with some absentmindedness as he prepared himself to try again, only to fail again after taking another two steps. This time, even the shaking stopped as he stopped having any feeling in his wings. "MOVE!" he thought as he tried again, but his wings didn't move, for it was too injured and too exhausted to do anything. And his already hazy and dim mind started to darken as he felt his strength leaving him.

Despite his monstrous if not abnormal endurance and vigor, His body was still, in the end, things made of muscle and bones, though not exactly pure bones and muscle, but still some part of his body was still, in the end mortal- ish.

Just like how there is a limit to even the most limitless thing, his body has reached its limit.

For it had endured the onslaught of Thunder Rabbit, who at the moment of his death displayed strength in the ultimate class and the thousands of attacks of the city along with the stress of being forced to digest thousands of souls. But still, this amount of attack wouldn't be nearly enough for Moon's body to fall, but the attacks of Tiamat and the fire breath that she sent him were the last straw.

His body gave up completely and fell. But due to a miracle that was the thousands of souls that were stuffed inside Moon, by using sheer will, and to the fact that the souls inside him were still fresh and hadn't completely forgotten their life story and their fear of the monster that was Moon. He was capable of controlling them and, in the process, controlling his body temporarily.

Which he used to crawl to the city and escape the underworld. And the eldritch voice that Moon was talking about was the souls inside him repeating what he said, all at the same time. But even a miracle has an end. As the souls inside him slowly gave out, so did his consciousness that was just floating on top of the sea that was his consciousness.

Moon turned to Kale and instructed her. "Protect me and find a safe place until I wake up."

Kale nodded at him with a solemn face, a face that he desperately needed as he was, putting it lightly, in severe panic and exhaustion. Slowly, the world around him dimmed as his vision blacked out until all he saw was darkness.



Kale stood beside Moon's body quietly, her body tense and her eyes furrowed, but there was a hint of unease that Moon couldn't capture due to his blinking consciousness. 

An unease that was caused by the fact that she doesn't even know where they are, just that they are going to a place called Vatican, Rome. Where they would then go to heaven. Nevertheless, no matter how uncertain she felt, she would always have to show a confident front and move forward. For she was the sole pillar of this team with Moon unconscious.

"Arial. Fly to the sky and survey the surroundings, put extra focus on the west." Kale said this as she used all the scraps of intelligence she had.

Which is not much, as she only knew that Moon was trying to go west and that he killed several beings just after being brought here. Throught the brief glance that she had, she determined that they were probably fallen angels.

Arial, the harpy, nodded as she flew to the sky to survey the surroundings, only for a blazing red ball of destruction to run right in front of her. Halting her in the process.

Kale turned to where the attack came from, and she saw several humans—no, several devils, judging by the wild and heavy demonic energy she was feeling, coming towards them. Two of them have more energy than her, though she wouldn't say they were stronger due to how some of them had nervous expressions, though not much, just stiff expressions and somewhat rigid head movement. But the main reason is how sluggish they are in manipulating their energy, quite rough around the edges as they prepared their spells.

"HALT!" She heard the one on the head, a red-haired girl, yell as she flew closer.


Give me those precious stones, i promise that i will take good care of them and raised them into a proper boulder.