"Su-Subedei Kerst?!" Jesper paled at the sight of the head chef of the royal palace.
The man was responsible for all the kitchens in the palace, equal distribution of resources, the food to be cooked for whom and with whom, and the people allowed in each and every kitchen in the palace. His reign over the palace kitchens was endless.
"Prince Angelus craved for fruits," Jesper answered, his voice low and unconfident.
Subedei instantly knew he was lying. His lips curled up, his frame leaned down to be on par with Jesper's height.
"I had seven boxes of similar fruits sent to his kitchen yesterday. Are you to tell me that the prince already ate them all?"
"I don't know," Jesper replied in one breath; he veered around Subedei to escape; the male grabbed his shoulder and effortlessly twirled him around.