"Memory Hunt" is a novel centered around Kamaji Kaito, a character suffering from amnesia who must confront his mysterious past. Kaito is inadvertently drawn into a battle against Nexus, a brutal underground organization that wields cutting-edge technology and advanced weaponry to maintain control.
Kaito teams up with Lila Aquotte, a former member of the resistance against Nexus, and new allies such as Ryu Gyokuryu, Akari Minase, and Yuuhei Shiranami. Throughout this journey, Kaito must not only recover his lost memories but also uncover Nexus’s dark conspiracies and face dangerous enemies like Kisaragi Kaoru, Dr. Asuka, and the assassin Zero.
The storyline interweaves intense battles, secrets revealed step by step, and complex relationships among allies and adversaries. Kaito gradually discovers his profound connection to Nexus, which has made him a target and thrust him into a relentless struggle for survival. Combining action, investigation, and unexpected twists, the story immerses readers in a world of tension and mystery.
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Thank you readers for supporting my work. I will try my best.
only first 3 chapters but the story is built very well in every aspect