Conjuring, Cards, and Teamwork

After finishing his magical training that night, he felt Dobby return, with the supplies. Still full of energy after training, Evan spent some time putting together his idea. Evan cut two pieces of wire, stripped about 4 cm of each wire; placed the exposed end of each wire onto a piece of thin metal, folded the metal over the exposed wire using field pliers and squeezed tight thus effectively attaching the wires to the strip.

Then he attached each strip to the inside of the clothes pin using some superglue, connected one wire to one end of a wire he snipped in the radio (running to the battery). The other wire (from his contraption) he connected to the other end of the snipped radio wire. Now he had an open circuit. Then he secured the clothes pin to the base of the wall nearest the door. He screwed an "eye bolt" in the bottom corner of the door nearest where the cloths pin was. Lastly, he tied a piece of twine to the eye-bolt on one end, and placing the other end in between the fingers of the clothes pin.

With the twine between the metal strips, the circuit could not be closed, and the alarm did not sound. When the door was opened it would pull the string out from between the metal strips, allowing them to touch and close the electrical circuit, thus setting off the alarm. Lastly, he applied a mild sticking charm a foot in front of the door. This would make it seem the floor was tacky, but wouldn't permanently stick. All this, of course was documented in his letter to Hermione. It was near 1am when he finished.

One day, the Sergeants thought they would make a mid-day raid (when the team were out training) to mess up the dorm, and then catch the team in the mess with an unexpected inspection. To the Sergeants' surprise and confusion, the dorm was not only clean and neat for inspection, but neater than before their visit. Later that night, Evan thanked Dobby for helping out. Then he began his magical training; conjuring was on the menu and marbles were the focus. He was working on conjuring marbles: small ones, large ones, clear glass, colorful swirls, and ones that glow in the dark! Imagine the fun one could do with that!

Team building was the main topic for the next week. They learned about the different steps in selecting a team; initial forming of a team; storming & norming of a team; and finally operational team sustainability. They learned that sometimes teams were formed by circumstance or by third party choice. Once a team was formed, the team leader needed to establish roles & responsibilities, methods of communication, and resolution protocols. They learned tools to overcome some problems that often crop up in military teams.

Storming is that stage of team development when personal characteristics come into play and can make or break a team. The team leader needs to learn how to identify these characteristics and use them to their advantage; otherwise, the team will be unproductive and eventually fall apart. Once each team member overcomes how "big a stick" they each have, the Norming process begins – where the team actually starts to learn to work together, to become a cohesive unit. Their group was split into two (to compete against each other). Each day during the team-building week, one (new) person in each group was designated team leader.

Corry and RJ were split, so there was one woman in each group. Similarly, Ben and Oliver were split; Noah and Theodor were split; and, Evan, Jimmy, Bobby and Scott were split between the two groups. Group 1 consisted of Corry, Ben, Noah, Evan and Bobby. Group 2 consisted of RJ, Oliver, Theodor, Jimmy and Scott. Corry and RJ were both designated team leaders first, given their seniority.

The first exercise was using Climer Cards. Each group was given a (52 card) pack of Climer Cards. The team leader was to lay the cards, painted side up, on the ground. The team members were to pick one card based on how they might represent their current or past feeling, and then share that experience in turn. Evan chose the octopus. When it was his turn to share, he explained that he felt like he was juggling so many things at the same time: Royal Marines training, studying for his A-levels, practicing his martial arts, etc. It sometimes was overwhelming and he felt like he could use eight hands (and brains) to juggle everything.


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