The Ministry Confronts the Muggles

Back at the Ministry of Magic, Aurors Headquarters, chaos reigned. Three of their team had not returned. Their "Life and Welfare Monitoring Stones" were dull. The Aurors franticly reported to Head Auror Rufus Scrimgeour, who called in Head of the Auror Department Amelia Bones. She and Scrimgeour decided to send another team of Obliviators and Aurors, but not directly to the scene.

Both Amelia and Scrimgeour went with them and landed about two blocks away, transfigured their robes into appropriate muggle clothing, applied mild Notice-me-Not spells to themselves, and walked the rest of the way. Upon arrival at the scene, Amelia introduced herself to one of the soldiers as being from MI-5, and asked to speak with the team leader. She then asked to be informed of the situation. The team leader explained they had been on a domestic terrorism training mission when some black-robed people appeared, wearing white masks and shooting laser blasts at the civilians.

The team immediately responded and killed all the perpetrators when another group of red-robed people "popped in". When the Royal Marines Response Unit confronted them, demanding they immediately surrender, the red-robed people began shooting blasts at them – the team returned fire, upon which the red-robed people disappeared.

Amelia was concerned – so many people were coming and going from the scene, and she was worried the soldiers would believe any observed spell casting would be considered "laser blasts", or an attack, and fire first before asking questions. Conferring with Rufus Scrimgeour, they decided to have teams of Obliviator+Auror follow civilians leaving the scene, obliviating them at the earliest convenient time that was safe (away from the soldier's view). Unbeknownst to them, everything was being recorded by the surveillance team.

Back at CTCRM, the program Commander summoned Evan Fenix. After entering the office, Evan stood at attention and saluted his Commander. "At ease, Midshipman. I wanted to thank you for your early morning heads up. You saved many lives today. After talking with you, I sent out a Response and Surveillance Unit to Gandy Street under the guise of an exercise, just in case your premonition was accurate. There indeed was an attack on Gandy Street just after noon time, as you predicted. While all the tangos were neutralized, they unfortunately already managed to kill three civilians and injured several more. Have you ever heard the words Auror, Squib or Obliviator?" he asked. Keeping with his "persona", Evan replied "No, sir. I have, however heard the word "obliviate" before – when I was a child, when my parents were killed. The people saying that word all wore red robes. The ones wearing the black robes and masks were yelling something like abera kedabra".

The Commander asked Evan to continue reporting to him if he got any more "premonitions". Evan agreed, however told the Commander that he got a "bad feeling" when thinking about his involvement being reported to higher ups. The Commander told him he would take it under advisement.

Later that night, at the Ministry of Magic, the Minister of Magic Fudge was raging at the audacity of Muggles killing magical citizens. He sent a message to the Muggle Prime Minister demanding a meeting the next day to discuss this. At approximately the same time, the Prime Minister (John Major) was being updated about the event by the CTCRM Commander. The following morning, the Prime Minister replied to the Minister of Magic, setting a 2pm meeting invite. He also invited the Commander to attend.

Before falling asleep, Evan wrote a missive to Hermione.

The next day, the Minister of Magic stepped through the fire place along with Amelia Bones and Rufus Scrimgeour. He was clearly agitated. Meeting them were the Prime Minister, the CTCRM Commander, and his Head of the Readiness Unit, General Black. "Prime Minister Major. I demand to know why your….people are killing my magical citizens!" Minister Fudge immediately opened with. The Commander interrupted the Minister, with his hand on his handgun "Sirs and Madam. Before anything else is said, do any of you have weapons on you?" he asked. "Of course not! I am the Minister of Magic, not some assassin!" the Minister replied. The Commander pulled his weapon holding it at ready position, asking sarcastically "and pray tell me, minister" he began, saying "minister" with a sneer, "what do you call those little sticks of yours? Are they not the tool through which you cast your spells? And if that is so, is that not the definition of a weapon?" Minister Fudge blustered a bit, Madam Bones and Scrimgeour just looked shamefaced.

"Please remove your wands with just your thumb and forefinger, and place them on the Prime Ministers table, and then take two steps back" the Commander demanded. His Response Unit leader, General Black, also pulled his weapon in support of his Commander. The magicals spluttered indignantly, first in shock at being asked to remove their wands, by the Commander's knowledge of wands, and because of the weapons pointed at them. "What is this all about Commander?" Amelia Bones demanded. "Protocol Madam. Protocol requires ALL visitors to the Prime Minister, with few exceptions, to either not bring their weapons with them or to check their weapons with the security clerk before entering the PMs office, ma'am" the Commander responded, holstering his pistol. "Since you bypassed the security clerk, it is up to us here to assume that task."


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