His jaw clenched. 'Stupid!' He cursed himself inwardly. 'I was so stupid!'
Glancing sideways, he saw Ikenna standing there, calm and collected. Another squad member was positioned behind the door, gun trained on him.
He had been played. And there was no way out.
It was all planned!
Reuben's face twisted in deeper realization, and Ikenna couldn't help but smirk at him. The man had finally figured it out, but it was already too late.
Within minutes, Squad 3 restrained Reuben, securing his hands tightly behind his back. One of the men called local law enforcement while another contacted an ambulance. Their job here was done, and lingering any longer was unnecessary.
They left as quickly as they came after dressing Nurse Courage's wound. Nurse Courage and the other girl remained behind, their presence ensuring there would be witnesses when the police arrived.