Facing Mockery

By the time she ran the next 10 km, she finished in one hour.

She stopped, panting, her hands on her knees.

She did it.

Though it was still far from Lady Rose's goal, she had cut down her time significantly in just a few hours.

This was how runners improved, by pushing past the initial pain barrier until their body adjusted.

By finding a rhythm in their breathing and pace that allowed them to run efficiently without wasting energy.

By strengthening their muscles through repeated effort, making each step smoother and more controlled.

By developing the mental toughness to keep going even when it felt impossible.

And she had done all of that today.

She grinned.

It wasn't perfect, but it was progress.

As lunchtime approached, she decided to take a well earned break.

Lady Rose walked past the training grounds after finishing her class.