Kingdoms 2

A Dixan archer was said to never miss twice.

To the west of Lionara was Roxurun Kingdom, a land renowned for its expertise in horse breeding and riding. Their horses were some of the strongest and fastest in the entire region, and selling them was a significant part of their economy.

In fact, many kingdoms, including Lionara, relied on Roxurun bred horses for their cavalry and transportation needs.

But Roxurun wasn't just known for breeding horses, they were also unmatched riders, with a deep rooted equestrian culture that had been passed down for generations.

Roxurun was a land where horses were more than animals, they were family, status, and life itself. The kingdom's vast grasslands were home to the finest steeds, and every aspect of Roxurun culture revolved around horsemanship.

A person's skill with a horse determined their place in society, and no one could be considered an adult until they had mastered riding.