Gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd, some out of admiration, others out of sheer disbelief. The first prince had chosen to escort his secret sister.
Ebere's hands clenched at her sides, her carefully laid plans unraveling before her eyes.
And as Nnenna took another step forward, she finally realized, there was no turning back now.
She finally recovered when they were a bit farther from the entrance, adjusting her expression to one of quiet confidence, a look befitting a princess sure of her place.
With a graceful posture, she walked beside Somto, her steps steady and poised, every movement exuding elegance.
Once again, all eyes were on her. Gasps rippled through the crowd, whispers spreading like wildfire.
The king observed with satisfaction forgetting that the admiration should belong to Ebere, while many nobles struggled to process what they were witnessing.