
His tone was low but firm. "You knew she was the one who was supposed to start this dance."

Queen Chioma's patience finally snapped. "I would never prioritize Nnenna over Ebere!" she hissed. "I'm not the one who prepared those clothes for her!"

King Ikechukwu was visibly shocked. "If you didn't, then who did? How did she get those two dresses? I knew those dresses weren't from around here! Their materials are unlike anything I've ever seen."

He paused, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "But that doesn't matter now. Let her just start the dance with one of those princes." As his words echoed, murmurs began to ripple through the crowd.

Meanwhile, Nnenna stood silently, scanning the array of eligible partners before her. Who will accompany me for the dance? she wondered, her eyes moving over the gathered princes.