
And then there was the fact that she had been adopted at six.

That was all he had, her dance, her adoption. Nothing else. Their faces weren't even that similar, though he knew better than to rely on that. A woman's face could change countless times before she even reached adulthood.

A DNA test. That was an option.

But wasn't that going too far for something he wasn't even sure of? And besides, he couldn't do it without her permission.

Arthur exhaled sharply and leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling.

He needed more proof.

And he was going to get it!

But Arthur's mind refused to rest.

His thoughts drifted back to when Nnenna danced on stage, how confident she looked, how effortlessly she moved. His heart had nearly leaped out of his chest watching her. She danced exactly like his best friend had.