Chapter 17: What use?

His body jerked reflexively, his fingers twitched uncontrollably, and his vision refused to focus, not even for more than a few seconds. The dark bags under his eyes and his sore muscles weren't just from ordinary exhaustion—they were from extreme electrical exposure… not exactly extreme, but Raijin repeatedly made it one. Considering this state going on for months, it can be considered as extreme lethargy indeed.

After failing to sustain lightning energy in his palm, he continuously used the electrical setup. With only breaks to have meals or excretions excluded, his stubbornness bordered on obsession.

When stood to leave, he stammered in his step, throwing off his balance, at last he opened the door barely enough to keep his body straight from the floor. Finally, he reached his bedroom, with what felt like an eternity. His body then fell on the soft bed after the repeated grueling self-torture.

Lightning Jutsu could wait. Till he could proficiently channel the lightning chakra, he'd pushed the thought of learning lightning-type jutsus back in his head. Now that he deemed himself good enough to learn jutsus, he fell sound asleep as soon as his back pressed on the soft bed and cold pillow.

As Raijin walked through Konoha's bustling streets, he heard some excited chatter about the Academy Entrance exam. Chūnin parents celebrated with their children who had successfully enrolled, while others consoled their disappointed children, encouraging them to try again next time.

While the exam wasn't important to the prominent clans – they dismissed it with casual indifference. For civilian families and regular ninja parents, it represented something much more – their child's first step onto the noble path of the shinobi. This milestone couldn't be dismissed so easily.

The scene warmed Raijin's heart, though his thoughts drifted into his previous life. "I don't remember my uncle and aunt getting this excited when I earned that MIT scholarship," he reflected. Of course, Uncle and Aunt weren't his parents, who would pour him with unconditional love. Still, getting into MIT with the scholarship had been a joyous occasion. He harbored no resentment towards his uncle and aunt as he appreciated their efforts to raise him, he was grateful for all the privileges they provided; even if it was the bare minimum.

Today, Raijin was headed to the Sarutobi Clan Library. After two weeks of rest from torture– electrical resistance training, he decided it was now the perfect time for him to learn some lightning-type jutsus. Just imagining lightning jutsus sent him excited pulses through his nerves.

Raijin understood lightning's potential. He knew what truly lightning holds, be it raw power of destruction or its practical applications – utility or even technological advancement. Also, he knew it could possibly damage, injure, and even bring death if not used cautiously.

With anticipation, he quickly entered the library and approached one of the librarians, inquiring about the section on Lightning Release. Raijin always asks the usual librarian about the section that Haruko introduced him to because the staff was accustomed to his presence.

The librarian, recognizing him as a visitor recommended by Clan Elder Haruko, led him with respectful attentiveness. The librarian didn't know the clan elder and the child's relationship, and he couldn't dare pry into their relationship either. He always led this child or researcher to the section approved by the same elder and according to the child's query.

The librarians at the library were notably hospitable toward Raijin – for an obvious reason, and such hospitality is also what he appreciated. He welcomed it with warm gestures. The librarian led him to the lightning release section and gestured to leave. Raijin bowed and thanked the librarian before taking in the view of the shelf for the lightning section. The Lightning Release section consisted of just one shelf containing twelve scrolls—a surprisingly small collection for such a prestigious clan library. However, this made sense given the Sarutobi clan's traditional affinity for Fire Release.

He skimmed through the one shelf containing scrolls. Taking all those 12 scrolls from the shelves, he sat at the small study table near the shelf. He then started to read the contents of all the scrolls. The scrolls contained all the information Haruko had conveyed to him while checking affinity. But there were interesting theories related to the lightning jutsus. Raijin mused as he also saw the architecture for a device – preferably a vehicle that uses electricity. It included crude designs for electricity-powered cars, though these were clearly in their infancy, the path was headed on the right track as he read all the theses and theories.

Noticing that he drifted from his main goal, he dismissed the theses and searched for basic lightning jutsus. He moved from one scroll to another hoping it might contain suitable jutsus for him to incorporate into his fighting style. He voraciously skimmed through every scroll for any lightning jutsus.

To his dismay, he found none. No E-rank or D-rank lightning jutsu were documented in the library's collection.

'This freaking library. What use of it if there isn't even a basic lightning jutsu' Raijin lamented inwardly as there was not a single E or D-ranked lightning-type jutsus in the library.

Now he truly understood Haruko's suggestions about researching lightning jutsus. She had mentioned figuratively to study on his own for jutsus. Under layers, she might have been implying that there are not any lightning-type jutsus in the clan library. What would he find if there weren't any to begin with?

The absence of basic lightning techniques made sense for several reasons. First, Ninjas heavily relied upon their own non-elemental jutsus or clan techniques and taijutsu. Second, the shinobi world encouraged young ones to be innovative and creative in their personal development of ability. Third, the Sarutobi clan, famous for their mastery of Fire Release, didn't have many lightning users to document their techniques. But he might have a chance in Konoha's Library.

The main library might contain techniques for lightning users. He didn't have his hope as high, because it could plummet his expectation in the next moment.

"So, this was why Haruko told me to work independently to create ninjutsu." Raijin released a sigh. "Guess I should read all the information related to lightning release and its hand-sign(seal) thoroughly."

He immersed himself in the scrolls he'd gathered earlier. While much of the information overlapped with what he already knew, the varied experiences and theories offered fresh perspectives on Lightning Release and its associated hand seals.

"This lightning release fundamentally involves vibrating chakra but... I must create a technique that uses minimal hand signs if possible."

"… This might be tough but hey! What else could I do at the moment?" Raijin laughed bitterly.

Pulling out a blank scroll, Raijin began methodically outlining his training progression. His thoughts flowed naturally from basic applications to more advanced concepts:

For E-rank techniques, I'll focus on the fundamentals. Lightning chakra naturally enhances speed, so a movement technique is obvious. Then there's weapon enhancement—the basics of channeling lightning into kunai and shuriken. Finally, the pure lightning chakra is projected as bolts or bursts. These form the foundation.

D-rank techniques will build on these basics. Maintaining lightning chakra in thrown weapons requires finer control. Multiple projectiles need better chakra distribution. And perhaps... His brush paused over the paper. Chakra threads? Though that might be pushing the ranking.

Raijin jotted his thoughts in a paper and began analyzing suitable jutsus related to his current needs. "Am I underestimating the difficulty of chakra threads?" Raijin contemplated his ranking on the jutsus because creating a chakra thread wasn't considered a rank-D skill. If his memory serves him right, the people in Sunagakure learned chakra thread after a long practice.

"Well, whatever, who cares what I rank the jutsus that I create." Raijin chuckled as he raised the paper to take a final glance leaning at the chair he was sitting in. He was certain that the measure of a jutsu isn't what rank its creator assigns it, but how effectively it serves in a battle.

People who witness his jutsu or are attacked by it would rank them, not him.

After an hour of careful analysis and planning, accounting for chakra efficiency and practical combat applications, Raijin had outlined six fundamental techniques. Each one built naturally upon the basics of Lightning Release while remaining within his chakra reserve. More importantly, they would serve as building blocks for more advanced techniques as his skills grew.


Lightning Release: Rank E –

Sudden Burst: Small amount of lightning chakra into feet to move with a subtle burst of speed.

Small Bolts: A very basic, low-level lightning attack that produces a small bolt of electricity.

Electric Blade: No hand signs, channeling lightning chakra to any of the bladed weapons

Lightning Release: Rank D –

Electric Net: This jutsu creates a net of lightning, which is thrown to capture an opponent.

Lightning Balls: The user creates spheres of electrical energy and launches them at the enemy. 

Electric Waves: A jutsu that sends out a wave of electricity in a specific direction.



[A/N: If you have any cool ideas for lightning jutsus—whether they're Rank E, D, or even up to Rank S – feel free to share them! I'd love to include some creative techniques in the story.]