A world beyond the page

They say that reading is a chore,

But for me, it's so much more.

A door unlocked, a path unseen,

A world where I have never been.

I trade my life for tales untold,

Walk with heroes, brave and bold.

I feel their sorrow, taste their pain,

Dance beneath a moonlit rain.

Each page, a portal—soft yet strong,

Where time dissolves, where I belong.

My worries fade, my heart takes flight,

Lost in magic, lost in light.

Some say they hate the written word,

But maybe they just never heard—

The story meant to set them free,

The one that whispers, Come with me.

So find the book that makes you soar,

Let fiction be your open door.

For books are magic, pure and true,

And in their worlds, I'll always lose.