Orphaned and living a dreary life in Tokyo, Kenji finds escape in cultivation novels. His reality shatters when he's abruptly transported to the magical world of Elyria and becomes the sole, eternal Host of the mysterious [Aethel System]. This system, a creation of a transcendent civilization, tasks him with establishing a Qi Foundation within 24 hours, offering a cultivation manual as a reward and warning of dire consequences for failure.
Facing immediate danger in the form of Shadow Wolves, Kenji barely manages to activate the system's [Basic Qi Gathering] ability, granting him a temporary power boost to survive. An encounter with a magical creature sparks his curiosity about Elyria. He then finds refuge with Elara, who explains the basics of Qi and the Aethel system's mysterious origins and eternal nature of his bond to it. With a cultivation manual in hand, Kenji begins to accept his new destiny as the system's sole Host in a world of magic and danger.
Nice story with system theme and mix of adventure and harem elements .