Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Six Point Cabin (Part One)

When Arthur woke up, it was almost noon. As he stepped out of the room, he saw Bill emerging from the next room, looking hungover. Deciding to make the most of the situation, Arthur promptly asked Bill to join him on his mission.

"You should drink less, Bill."

"I didn't drink much. We just had a few drinks after dealing with the O'Driscolls at the bar last night. Alright, I'll help you, but no more nagging. God, are you possessed by Susan or something?"

Arthur looked at Bill, puzzled. He hadn't said much, so why was Bill so eager to get rid of him? Just before heading downstairs, Arthur glanced back and saw another man emerge from Bill's room. Arthur chuckled to himself. He knew Bill's secret and decided not to say anything.

At the door, they unexpectedly ran into John. Arthur looked at him curiously.

"Aren't you supposed to be bedridden? What are you doing here?"

John sighed, "Don't ask. Abigail wouldn't let me out of bed. I heard about your situation from the others and thought you might need me, so I snuck out."

Arthur felt a headache coming on, imagining Abigail's inevitable complaints. Although he wanted to send John back, he reconsidered, thinking they might need him to deal with Colm. So, he let John stay and join them.

When Arthur arrived at the sheriff's office with Bill and John, Kieran had already prepared Arthur's horse. Malloy and Cole were waiting for him.

"Are we ready to go?"

"Let's go, what are we waiting for?"

They mounted their horses and set off. It didn't take long for John to start talking again.

"So, we're going to deal with Colm?"

"Yes, we are."

"How do we know he's there?"

"We just know."

"Can we handle it with just us?"

"Yes, we can... Marston, if you say one more useless word, I swear I'll strangle you with your own tongue!"

Arthur finally snapped after enduring John's constant chatter. He couldn't understand how someone could be so talkative. Malloy and Cole chuckled, while Kieran and Bill seemed used to it.

Malloy then said, "Six point Cabin is north of Valentine. We need to turn here."

Arthur nodded and gestured for him to lead the way. He glanced at Kieran, who subtly nodded, confirming the direction. They continued following Malloy's directions along the railroad.

John, unable to stay quiet for long, started talking again, this time targeting Kieran.

"Who would have thought we'd be working with an O'Driscoll member?"


"I'm just stating the facts, aren't I?"

John's loose lips were bound to get him into trouble. Arthur sighed, seeing Malloy and Cole glance back suspiciously. Kieran, hearing John's comment, immediately retorted.

"How many times do I have to say it? I'm not an O'Driscoll member!"

Bill joined in, teasingly calling Kieran an O'Driscoll boy. Arthur had had enough. Why did he bring these two along?

"Bill, you shut up too!"

"What? Arthur, this is the last time I help you. I didn't say anything wrong. Why should I be quiet?"

Bill, riding a brown Shire horse, looked like a sulking child. Arthur didn't want to look at him, let alone talk to him. Fortunately, Malloy intervened, allowing Arthur to escape the drama.

"We continue along the railroad and then through the rock pile ahead," Malloy said.

"Got it," Arthur replied.

To keep John from saying more, Arthur asked, "So, how are you feeling, John?"

"Better, though something still feels off. But I'm good."

Bill chimed in, "Of course you're good. You've been lying in bed for so long."

"I told you, it was Abigail who wouldn't let me out of bed. You know you can't reason with her."

"John, when will you grow up? Using women as an excuse isn't helping anyone. I don't want to say this, but you don't know how to help others. You're just selfish."

Arthur couldn't help but lecture John, who, not wanting to listen, turned his attention back to Kieran.

"Imagine, if you were in the hands of the O'Driscolls, what do you think would happen? You know how they treat their friends, so I'm curious, how do you think they treat their enemies?"

"Oh, I know. For someone as talkative as you, they'd pull your tongue out of your throat. You and the O'Driscolls aren't so different. Most of you aren't. So, stop being so smug."

John was furious. "What did you just say?!"

Kieran, unafraid, continued, "I've been observing you all for weeks. You might not know the O'Driscolls as well as you think. I know you and them. So, listen, you're all the same."

Arthur had to admit, Kieran was right. But John clearly didn't agree.

"See! That's why I say you're still an O'Driscoll boy. You're just trying to survive, while we're fighting for freedom! Colm is a cunning thief and murderer, but Dutch... he's more like a mentor."

"To me, it's all the same."

"You only see the surface, not the essence..."

Seeing the argument escalate, Arthur finally told them to stop. At that moment, Kieran looked around and said to everyone, "We should turn left up the hill here."

Malloy, who was leading, quickly corrected their path and said with a smile.

"Yes, left. We were about to go the wrong way. Left and keep going. We're almost there."


Hi guys,

I really need your help with putting this story out there.

So For every 100 Power Stones, you'll get 1 Bonus Chapter.

For Every 100 Collections, you'll get 1 Bonus Chapter.

Don't be stingy and let there be a rain of stones.