Like A Drug


"I am so sorry I got drunk, that was so stupid of me." I apologized to Leah for ruining one of her big days, and what was more stupid was that I still didn't know the gender of her child.

"That's okay, I should have known better." She said looking at me with her blue eyes shining brightly and sparkling with happiness. "It's just that I am so excited about having you here with us, it feels like forever and a lot has happened. I mean, your hair is curled now." She winked.

I nodded. "You didn't invite me to your wedding, you kind of cut contact with me and I was stuck in the dark, wondering if I did something wrong." I explained, remembering the last time we talked, before I moved back to school.

She sighed.

"I am sorry for that, but please understand that things aren't the way they seem. I have so many things to apologize for, and so many explanations to give but all I can say is that I am sorry for not being a good friend, for not being there when you needed me, and for not including you. But I swear I will explain everything to you later." She reassured me and I smiled warmly at her.

"No need to, I am here now, and I will never leave, I mean I'd go back but still…" I assured her, reaching out and putting my hand over hers on top of the table. We stayed together like that for a long while, until we heard a familiar voice calling for Leah—Jack.

When Leah eventually left the kitchen, I stepped out too. From afar I could see Zach talking to a brunette in a yellow dress. It didn't stop envy from creeping into my heart.

What was that? I barely knew him. I scoffed at myself.

The rest of the party went by in a blur. Leah and Jack already retired to their room, for the night, as well as the twins; their daughters, Nicole and Jacky.

The name thing came as a shock to me as well. But I was happy that despite the distance between us, Leah still thought of me as a part of her life.

After the party finally came to an end, I decided to clean up before heading to my room. For some reason, this big house didn't have maids, and I couldn't exactly let Leah clean in her current state.

Later that night, I crawled into the guest bathroom since I couldn't sleep. The sober music from my phone comforted me while I sat on the bathroom floor doing nothing.

The door creaked open and I peered up to see Zach. It was almost as if I could smell him from a mile away.

Was this man stalking me? I thought he would be busy with the brunette he was talking to, earlier. He did disappear for the rest of the night.

"What? You are stalking me now?" I spat still feeling jealous about the brunette he was with.

"Get over yourself, I am not the one who has been stalking, we both know it's you" He countered without missing a beat.

This conversation wasn't getting anywhere I decided. "How did you even know I was here? Don't you think maybe I want to be alone tonight?" I tried to be a little more assertive than usual.

"I didn't know you were here, Naomi."

"It's Nicole!" I was furious.

"Okay, Naomi" He went on as if I didn't just correct him. The smirk on his face told me he was doing it on purpose.

"You have to leave, this is my bathroom" I tried to make sure I sounded threatening while saying that. I probably failed.

He just ignored it and leaned against the sink. A strand of black hair fell across his forehead, and I wondered how he managed to look so handsome all the time.

"Naomi" He repeated, his tone suddenly serious, making me flinch. His eyes met mine. "We need to talk."

"It's Nicole you asshole!" I sneered. "And I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone."

"I know, I enjoy seeing you get all riled up. It makes me wonder what else you are capable of." He looked straight into my eyes daring me to answer.

"Go away Zach, I'm tired" I grumbled, annoyed by his presence and feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

"And if I say no?" He quirked his brow in defiance.

"Then I'd leave." I said. "Why are you here anyway? Don't keep the poor lady waiting?"


"The one I saw you talking to earlier." I said through gritted teeth.

An uncomfortable air of silence lingered for a while, then he suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. "You make jealousy a tad cute, Nicole." He said sarcastically.

"I'm not jealous." I said sharply.

"Really?" He smirked. "I have seen you watching me, I know you are drawn to me and suddenly you want me to go away because you saw me talking to Jack's sister? Surely you don't mean that." He took a step closer.

Now I could feel the heat radiating from his body. How did such an attractive guy manage to look so damn hot? It was ridiculous!

"I didn't know." I whispered, a bit relieved that the brunette was a relative. Leah had told me Jack and Zach were related, so technically, Jack's sister should be Zach's cousin too.

"Of course you didn't." He smirked. "Now, where were we?"

"Nowhere, leave Zach."

"Nicole!" He called out, like it was a warning.

"I do mean that! Get out!" I tried to push past him but he blocked my path, leaning slightly forward as if he wanted me to lean in and kiss him.

"Seriously Zach, let me pass, or so help me god I will scream!" I threatened, but the corners of his mouth curled into a satisfied smile.

"Really? Will you?" He leaned in closer again and unconsciously, my tongue ran around my bottom lip before I gulped.

"No" I breathed.

His hands moved to cup my cheek and his touch sent my insides burning . It felt like sparks were exploding behind my eyes. "Why would I leave?" He whispered in my ear, kissing my neck softly. My whole body tingled everywhere he touched. I was melting beneath him. I thought my legs might give out at any moment. 

His fingers trailed from my chin down to my bottom lip, they lingered there and I tried to hold back a gasp.

Soon we were staring at each other in silence. I didn't dare to move, afraid that my every move would make the whole situation escalate.

Zach's deep, husky voice broke the quietness. "We could continue this or do you have somewhere else to be?"He said, leaning closer to me and slowly lowering my jawline, his breath fanning my lips.

Before I had time to react, his lips covered mine and he bit gently on them, making me moan slightly. His kiss was intoxicating, his mouth fit perfectly with mine. And I felt as if every part of me was screaming, telling me to wrap my arms tightly around his waist, pull him close and let our tongues dance and dance and dance in perfect sync.

His hands found their place on my hips. While his lips continued to work miracles on mine, his tongue met mine with the same intensity. My hands were tangled in his hair, my fingers tangling themselves deeper, tugging his hair ever more roughly. His mouth opened and my tongue entered the top, tasting him with fervor. While his hands found their way into my dress, massaging my breasts through my bra and running down my back at the same time.

Every touch ignited a fire inside me that I hadn't felt in my life, I craved him like a drug, not even with Killian made me feel that way.

All my senses came alive in that exact second, like nothing in my life ever felt before. His hands reached for my ass and squeezed strongly. I gasped and wrapped my arms tighter around him, pulling him in impossibly closer to deepen the kiss. I wanted more, I needed more.

"I haven't been able to get you off my mind since I first saw you at the airport." He whispered. Suddenly it felt as though reality caught up with me , and as if my body remembered exactly who, exactly where, precisely what was happening right now. In panic, I ripped my lips from his, breathing heavily.

"What are you doing?" I whispered and surprisingly, he stopped.

"What?" He was obviously confused.

"Don' don't...want… I can't, I… " I couldn't even finish the sentence in the state that I was in, I just brushed past him and ran until I got to my room. He didn't stop me, I climbed onto the bed, and lay there with my heart threatening to fall out of my chest.