chapter 6: appointments

I arrived at the location it was a hair removal place for 100% hair removal in 4 sessions. Apparently the appointments were made for every Monday after work prepaid to remove all hair neck down.

I recieved a text from my unknown tormentor saying, "you looked good hairless, thought I'd help 😉."

For the next 4 weeks I went and at first it was embarrassing since I was in a chastity cage, but by the third visit it was procedural.

At the end of the 4th week I was met with a new fear. I was added to a Google drive with viewership access. In this drive it had a folder for instructions and a folder labeled blackmail. As I looked at the blackmail I thought this is it, my life is over.

I then scrolled over instructions and it was in the same format as before. Date, time, and place.

I've been checking every day to see if it was my neighbor to the right. But no one ever answered or let alone I have not seen them leave or enter. I'm so confused who could it be?!?