Chapter 64: Printing

Arthur studied Audrey for a moment. She remained unfazed by the murmurs around her, her blue eyes sharp with curiosity rather than skepticism. Unlike the other nobles, who were still struggling to process the mere existence of such a machine, she sought to understand it.

Letting the suspense linger, Arthur finally spoke. "Well, I had planned to reveal this later, but since you've brought it up, I may as well explain. I've made a new invention—one that doesn't write words and letters but prints them."

A nobleman furrowed his brow. "Print? What does that mean?"

The term was completely foreign to them. Books had always been written or copied by scribes, so the idea of "printing" made little sense.

Arthur offered a patient smile. "It's the same as copying words and characters into a book, but instead of being written by hand, the process is done by a machine. Since no person is physically writing it, I call it printing."