Separating The Two Of Them

When Celestial and Moran were together around the mansion, Anastasia approached them which made Celestial unhappy about it. Especially after she found out what had happened between her and Anastasia about fighting over that man.

"Celestial! Are you so busy with Prince Moran that you're ignoring me?" asked Anastasia.

"What do you mean by that? You and Eleanor's the one who ignored me from earlier. I should be the one to tell you that," she replied.

Anastasia's eyes looked at Celestial's arm which continued to be wrapped around Moran's arm. It was as if she didn't want to take the man off her, and that could make it difficult for Anastasia to keep the two of them apart.

Only this time, she had a pretty good plan to do so. Moreover, she wanted Eleanor to be the one with the prince.

"Why are you alone? Weren't you chatting with Eleanor earlier?" asked Moran as he looked around them.