
The room went silent for several seconds, a conflict of emotions running through Nadia's eyes but what surprised her was the fact that the woman behind the desk remained unaffected.

It took Nadia some seconds to get over her shock and she shook her head in disbelief as I turned around.

Standing at an impressive height for a girl, Nadia was a dark hair beauty, at the moment she had on a business suit and her shiny lisp made her look like a long legged delicacy.

"Come with me"

As Nadia turned and began walking to the door, so did I turn back to the aquarium and it wasn't long before the departing pair of heels stopped in their tracks and the owner marched up beside me.

"Didn't you hear me" Nadia spoke, her tone low but very annoyed.

"If you want to see me, we can do that later, Granny and I are still yet to talk."