".... a larger network will require higher maintenance and hence more manpower. A better alternative would be to link several smaller networks together."
"Should I go on professor,"
"No Marcus, if you did, the class will last for 4 hours"
The professor's words got laughter sounding through the hall but he waved his hand after also chuckling a bit.
"Alright enough with the laughter, Marcus did an excellent job and if the rest of you were like him, I wouldn't need to be teaching so hard," the near bald man at the front grumbled, his hands going to his waist in exasperation.
"Let's continue. Marcus has already proposed that a band of smaller networks are better than one fat network, I want someone to say why"
Several hands went up and while Dr Hector passed his eyes over the students in the class his eyes landed on a particular person who was quite enthusiastic and he shook his head.