Under Lambert's guide, Valera and I were led out of the security building but after we walked for a while, with Valera's right hand since in my grasp I brought her to a stop, our actions making Lambert stop in his tracks and turn back to us.
"I appreciate your desire to see us righted and the offerings of comfort but as you can see my girlfriend is not in the best of state."
Considering I had never met Lambert before, his timely appearance while appreciated was quite strange in my eyes and as much as I wanted to question him, I needed to tend to Valera and get to the bottom of what had happened to her tonight.
"I have Valera's condition very much in mind Mr Lawson and have already alerted the nurse to prepare to attend to her. Also, there is a mutual acquaintance of ours who very much wants to see you, please reconsider, it won't be long."
"So, there is a nurse in here," I said meaningfully.