In a futuristic world where animal hybrids can shift between human and animal forms, Ralph, a witty American red wolf hybrid, finds himself trapped in the high-security Endangered Hybrid Zone. Living under constant surveillance, he’s made numerous escape attempts—but none have succeeded. Despite the odds, Ralph is determined to break free from the system that keeps him confined.
Teaming up with a mysterious and cold-hearted cheetah hybrid, Ralph navigates the dangerous divisions between the Endangered and Common Hybrid Zones, where loyalty and survival are tested. As Ralph and his unlikely allies face threats from both the system and each other, they must learn to trust and fight together for their freedom.
Extinct is a fast-paced, action-packed adventure where humor and high-stakes battles collide. As Ralph challenges everything he knows, he uncovers deeper secrets that could change the fate of all hybrids. Will he escape his prison, or will the system win once again?