In a near-future Earth devastated by war, famine, and societal collapse, Jiang Chen, an ordinary man struggling to make ends meet, stumbles upon a mysterious watch that opens a portal to a parallel, post-apocalyptic world. In this desolate wasteland, humanity has reverted to brutal survival instincts amidst rampant poverty, scarce resources, and the remnants of advanced technology.
Realizing the immense potential of the two worlds, Jiang Chen devises a plan to use the post-apocalyptic resources to build wealth and power in the present day while offering food, technology, and hope to the survivors of the ruined future. He establishes a safe haven—an ever-growing mansion—as a base of operations in the wasteland, recruiting talented individuals and forming a loyal community under his leadership.
As Jiang Chen navigates the dangers of the apocalyptic world, including mercenary bands, mutated creatures, and oppressive regimes, he also faces challenges in the present world, where corporate