A voice snapped Caspian out of his thoughts.
He turned, eyes settling on a boy with shaggy blond hair and sharp green eyes, standing by the door.
"Are you new here?" the boy asked.
"Yes," Caspian replied simply.
The boy grinned and extended a hand. "Marco."
Caspian took the handshake, "Caspian."
A sudden cheer erupted from outside, followed by loud, mocking voices.
"Yeah! Beat that idiot to the ground!"
Marco sighed, rubbing his temples. "Oh, I hate them. They never have anything better to do. Always fighting over stupid things."
"Who?" Caspian asked.
Marco tilted his head. "Come see for yourself."
Caspian followed him out of the room, down the hallway.
As they neared the edge of the second-floor balcony, overlooking the ground floor, Caspian's eyes narrowed.
The sight below—