Chapter 13-14-15

Chapter 13 – "Los Angeles on the Horizon"

It was a quiet night in New York, but Gigi's mind was far from peaceful. Sitting on the couch in her apartment, a cup of tea in her hands, she looked out the window while thinking about something that had been hammering away in her head for days: moving to Los Angeles.

The idea made sense in many ways. There, she would be closer to her friends and family, and Khai would have more space and sun to play. However, there was an unexpected factor complicating the decision: Rafael.

Ever since they started dating, Rafael had become a constant in Gigi's life. His presence was comforting, like a solid pillar that she didn't know she needed. But what would happen if she left New York? What if that changed everything between them?

She picked up her cell phone and typed a message:


"Are you busy? I need to talk."

The answer came quickly, as always.


"Never for you. I'm here. Is there a problem?"


"No, just... too many thoughts. Can you come over?"


"Sure. I'm on my way."

A short time later, Rafael arrived at the apartment, dressed casually in a leather jacket and jeans. He had that easygoing demeanor that always made Gigi feel more at ease.

"Hey," he greeted with a smile, coming in and taking off his jacket. "What's going on?"

"Nothing serious. I'm just thinking about something big, and I need your opinion," Gigi replied, indicating the couch.

They sat side by side, and Rafael looked at her carefully.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

Gigi took a deep breath, gathering the courage to begin.

"I'm thinking about moving to Los Angeles."

Rafael's expression remained neutral, but his eyes showed interest. He remained silent, allowing Gigi to continue.

"It makes sense, you know? My mom's there, my friends are there, and Khai would love to have more space to play. New York is amazing, but... I feel like maybe Los Angeles is better for me right now.

She paused, watching Rafael's reaction. He crossed his arms and tilted his head thoughtfully.

"And you're worried about what this means for us?" He asked directly.

Gigi nodded nervously.

"Yes. I want to be honest with you. I don't want this to push you away, but I also don't want to ask you to change your life because of me."

Rafael smiled slightly, as if the answer was obvious.

"Gigi, I don't see this as you asking for something. For me, this is simple. If you move to Los Angeles, I'll move too."

The statement took him by surprise, but it also brought relief.

"You would? Just like that?" She asked, almost incredulous.

"Of course. I'm not tied to New York. I came here to start a new phase of my life, and that phase now involves you. If you're in Los Angeles, that's where I want to be."

Gigi felt her eyes well up. Rafael's confidence and determination were like a balm for her uncertainties.

"I can't ask that of you, Rafael."

"You're not asking. I'm offering." He said, holding her hand. "Look, I've been through a lot of hard things, Gigi. Being with you has been the simplest and most natural thing that's ever happened in my life. I'll go wherever you are."

She looked at him, feeling her heart race. He was different from anything she'd ever known.

"Rafael… thank you," she said, overcome with emotion.

"No need to thank me. Just let me know when you're ready to start packing."

In the following days, Gigi began to explore the possibilities of moving more seriously. She called her mother, Yolanda, for advice, and also spoke to some friends in Los Angeles to understand the logistics of settling in the city.

In one of the phone conversations, Kendall Jenner was the first to support the idea:

"Gigi, you know it would be amazing to have you here. Besides, Khai will love the space and the atmosphere. And, well, I want to get to know this Rafael guy better too. He seems like the kind of guy everyone would want to be around."

Gigi laughed, but Kendall's comment only reinforced her confidence in the decision.

A few weeks later, Gigi and Rafael were sitting on the floor of her apartment, surrounded by boxes and to-do lists.

"I still can't believe you agreed to come with me so easily," Gigi said, pushing a box aside.

"Why is it so hard to believe?" Rafael asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because it's a huge change. I expected you to at least want to think about it more."

He shrugged, with a smile.

"After everything I've been through in my life, change doesn't scare me." And honestly, I think Los Angeles will be a good place to start over.

"Start over?" Gigi asked curiously.

"Yes. Build something new. Maybe even reconnect with some things I left behind, like my work in physical education."

Gigi watched him for a moment, feeling a wave of admiration. He wasn't just a incredible man; he was someone willing to grow and adapt alongside her.

The decision was made. Gigi and Rafael were ready to embark on this new phase together. With each step, she felt that she was on the right path, not only to offer the best for Khai, but also to build something solid and special with Rafael.

As they packed the last box that night, Rafael stopped and looked at Gigi.

"You know we're going to be okay, right?"

She smiled, feeling more confident than ever.

"I know. Because we're together."

And with that, New York began to fade away, while the future shone in Los Angeles.

Chapter 14 – The New Home in Los Angeles

The Los Angeles sun shone brightly in the sky as Gigi's car drove through the city's wide avenues. In the backseat, Khai looked out the window, excited about the new sights.

Rafael, sitting in the passenger seat, watched the surroundings intently, taking in the ambiance. It was a stark contrast to the frenetic pace of New York, and Gigi could feel the difference in the atmosphere.

"Look at that, Mommy!" Khai exclaimed, pointing to a giant palm tree. "That tree is so tall!"

"Yes, honey, here in Los Angeles we have lots of palm trees. Let's see lots of them near our house," Gigi replied with a smile.

Rafael turned to Khai, getting into the conversation.

"You know what's great about palm trees? They're really resilient. Even when strong winds try to knock them down, they still stand."

Khai frowned thoughtfully.

"Just like us?" —

Rafael smiled.

— Exactly. Just like us.

Gigi watched their interaction with a warm heart. It was one of the reasons she knew this move was the right thing to do. Rafael not only supported her, but he also understood Khai's importance in her life.

The house Gigi had chosen in Los Angeles was in a quiet neighborhood, surrounded by well-kept gardens and tree-lined streets. It was spacious, with large windows that let in the sun and a backyard that Khai could explore.

When they pulled into the driveway, Khai was the first to get out of the car, running to the front door.

"Is this our house, Mommy?" she asked, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Yes, it's our new house. What do you think?" Gigi replied, getting out of the car and grabbing the keys.

"It's huge!" Khai shouted, already running around the front yard.

Rafael grabbed a few boxes from the car and walked to the driveway, looking around the house carefully.

— You made a good choice, Gigi. This place has a great vibe.

"Thank you. It was hard to decide, but I knew I wanted something that would be good for Khai and that would have room for us," she said as she unlocked the door.

When they walked in, Khai began exploring each room, laughing and pointing out things she found interesting. Rafael followed Gigi into the kitchen, where she set her keys on the counter and took a deep breath.

"Finally here. It feels surreal," Gigi commented.

Rafael set the boxes down and approached her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"You made this happen, Gigi. And now, this is just the beginning."

As they unpacked throughout the day, Gigi noticed how helpful Rafael was. He put together furniture, organized some items, and even helped Khai put her toys away in her room.

At one point, Gigi stopped in the doorway to Khai's room and watched them together. Rafael was sitting on the floor, helping the girl put together a puzzle.

— This one looks like it's going here, what do you think? — Rafael said, holding up a piece.

"No, not that one. That's the puppy's head!" — Khai corrected, laughing.

Gigi smiled. This was exactly how she imagined the transition to Los Angeles: full of small moments of happiness and connection.

That night, after Khai had gone to sleep in her new room, Gigi and Rafael sat in the backyard, admiring the starry sky. The weather was mild, and the air smelled fresh of cut grass.

"I still can't believe we're here," Gigi said, holding a glass of wine.

"It seems like yesterday you were telling me you were thinking about moving. Now we're here," Rafael replied, with a satisfied smile.

Gigi turned to him, a curious expression on her face.

"Do you regret it? Coming with me?"

Rafael looked at her seriously before shaking his head.

"Not for a second. Being here, with you and Khai, is exactly where I want to be." Gigi felt her heart race. She placed her wine glass on the table next to her and leaned into him, holding his hand.

"Rafael, I—"

"Shhh," he interrupted, gently touching her face. "I know."

And in that moment, everything felt right.

The next day, Gigi decided to take Khai and Rafael to explore the city. They started with a walk in Griffith Park, where Khai was fascinated by the horses that roamed the grounds.

"Mommy, can we ride horses sometime?" Khai asked.

"Sure, my love. But Rafael might have to help you, because you'll need someone strong to hold the horse," Gigi joked.

"I accept the mission," Rafael replied, striking a superhero pose that made Khai laugh.

Later, they stopped at an outdoor café, where Gigi met up with some of her friends who lived in Los Angeles. Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber were there, excited to see Gigi and her daughter.

"Finally! Welcome to town!" Kendall said, hugging Gigi.

"Who's the gentleman?" Hailey asked, with a mischievous smile, as she looked at Rafael.

"This is Rafael," Gigi replied, smiling at him.

"Ah, the famous Rafael. I've heard a lot about you. — Hailey said, squeezing his hand.

Rafael laughed, keeping his calm posture.

— I hope they're good things.

— Only good things, I promise. — Kendall replied, winking at Gigi.

The friends quickly started talking, while Khai played with a small dog that was in the café. Rafael was silent for a while, watching how happy Gigi seemed to be around her friends.

— You fit in perfectly here. — He told her as they were walking home.

— Do you think so? — Gigi asked, looking at him.

— I'm sure. And I'm glad to be by your side for it.

As the days passed, Gigi, Rafael and Khai began to adapt to their new life in Los Angeles. The house was taking shape, full of details that showed the love and care that Gigi put into every corner.

That night, as she put Khai to bed, Gigi felt a deep sense of gratitude. Los Angeles wasn't just a geographic change; it was a new phase, a new opportunity to build something special.

And when she walked downstairs and found Rafael in the living room, already reading a book, she knew she had made the right choice. After all, home wasn't just a place, it was the people you chose to share it with.

Chapter 15 – "The Spotlight on Los Angeles"

Gigi Hadid's move to Los Angeles did not go unnoticed. As soon as the first photos of the supermodel in the new city began to circulate, the media went into a frenzy. The highlight, of course, was not only the move itself, but the mysterious man who seemed to be increasingly present by her side.

Tabloids, gossip portals and fan accounts on social media began to speculate about Rafael Valente, the tall and enigmatic Brazilian who had appeared alongside Gigi on several occasions.

"Who is the mysterious man who moved to Los Angeles with Gigi Hadid?"

"World-famous model begins new phase with charming Brazilian!"

"Gigi Hadid leaves New York to be closer to family and new love?"

These headlines flooded social media and celebrity websites. Despite the constant attention, Gigi kept her silence. She knew that curiosity about her personal life was part of her reality, but it was something she preferred to control as much as possible.

The next morning, the subject was everywhere. Kendall Jenner sent a message to Gigi's group of friends as soon as she saw one of the headlines.


"Girl, have you seen what they're saying? Rafael is officially famous, hahaha!"


"He's trending. I swear I've seen like three videos of fans trying to figure out where he came from. They're calling him 'The Mysterious Brazilian.'"


"I love how he doesn't have open social media. The media is freaking out because they can't find out almost anything about him."


"I can't even have breakfast in peace without the whole world finding out."


"Relax, Gigi. Is he handling all this well?"

Gigi looked at Rafael, who was in the kitchen making breakfast. He seemed completely oblivious to the whirlwind of gossip happening outside. With a calm smile, he cut fruit and poured coffee as if the world wasn't trying to figure out every detail of his life.

"Did you know that you're now officially the mystery man of the year?" Gigi asked, holding up her cell phone with messages.

Rafael chuckled, not seeming surprised.

"Oh, really? It seems like they finally found out I exist."

"It's not funny, Rafael. They're talking about you everywhere."

"And what are they saying? That I'm an alien?" He joked, handing her a cup of coffee.

"No. That you're a mysterious man who probably hides a fascinating past." Gigi replied, rolling her eyes.

"Well, they're not wrong." He said with a teasing smile.

Gigi shook her head, trying not to laugh. Rafael seemed immune to the pressure of public attention, which only made her admire him even more.

That same day, things got even more hectic when a photo of Rafael and Khai playing in the backyard started circulating. A paparazzo, hidden somewhere near the property, managed to capture the moment when Rafael was teaching Khai how to play soccer.

The image was adorable: Khai smiling, while Rafael, kneeling, patiently explained how to kick the ball. The caption of the photo on a celebrity portal read: "Rafael Valente, the mysterious man next to Gigi Hadid, has already won over Khai! A potential stepfather?"

When Gigi saw the headline, her blood boiled. She grabbed her cell phone and immediately called her press agent.

"I want a statement. I do not authorize you to use photos of my daughter!" She said, her voice firm.

"Gigi, let's sort this out. I'm going to contact the lawyers now," her agent replied promptly.

After hanging up, Gigi sighed, frustrated. Rafael entered the room, noticing her expression.

"What happened?" he asked, calm as ever.

"They took a photo of you with Khai and published it." I'm so tired of this.

Rafael frowned, clearly bothered.

"That's wrong. She's just a kid."

"I know. That's why I always try to protect her privacy."

He nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you want me to do something?"

"No, Rafael. Just keep being you. This will pass."

While the media continued to speculate, Gigi's friends didn't miss the opportunity to joke about the situation. That night, during a video call with Kendall and Hailey, they teased Gigi nonstop.

"So, what's it like being the girlfriend of the most searched man on the internet?" Kendall asked, laughing.

"That's not funny." Gigi replied, although she couldn't hide a small smile.

"Girl, Rafael is like an enigma. The media is going crazy because he's different from all the guys you've dated. There's nothing about him out there. It's the kind of mystery they love." Hailey added.

— And he's ridiculously good-looking, which doesn't help. — Kendall added.

Gigi shook her head, trying to change the subject.

— Look, what matters is that we're happy, and he's handling all of this well.

— You guys are great together, Gigi. I can tell. — Kendall said, sincerely.

Despite the buzz, Rafael continued to act as he always did: discreet, focused on taking care of Gigi and Khai, and staying out of the spotlight as much as possible. He knew that being with Gigi meant dealing with media attention, but that was never a problem for him.

One afternoon, while they were walking together in a park, Gigi looked at him and asked:

"Doesn't this really bother you?"

"What?" he asked, looking at her.

"The media. The paparazzi. This whole circus."

He stopped and took her hand.

"Gigi, I've faced much more difficult things than a few photographers trying to take pictures of me. This here? This is easy, because I'm with you."

She smiled, feeling more at ease. Rafael had this gift of simplifying things and making her feel like everything was under control, even when it seemed chaotic.

Over time, the media's curiosity began to diminish. Gigi, Rafael and Khai were finally able to enjoy their new life in Los Angeles with more peace of mind. Despite the initial turmoil, the bond between them only grew stronger, proving that, in the end, what really mattered was what they had together.

And while the world continued to try to find out more about Rafael Valente, he remained the same: a man dedicated to the woman and the family he chose by her side.

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