Chapter 28-29-30

Chapter 28 – A Family Day

The morning sun streamed through the bedroom window, softly illuminating the house in Los Angeles. Rafael was in the kitchen, preparing a special breakfast. The aroma of pancakes and fresh coffee spread throughout the room, while Gigi walked down the stairs with Khai, both still in their pajamas.

"Good morning!" Rafael said, turning to greet them with a smile.

"Good morning!" Gigi replied, pulling Khai close to her. "What do we have here?"

"Pancakes, fresh fruit, and orange juice. Something simple to start our special day."

Khai ran to the table, excited to see the food.

"Uncle Rafael, did you make pancakes for me?"

"Of course I did, young lady," he replied, placing a plate in front of her. "And there's even chocolate syrup, just because today is a special day."

"Yay!" Khai exclaimed, already picking up the cutlery.

Gigi smiled as she watched the scene. Rafael had a natural ease with children, and Khai adored him.

"You're spoiling her," Gigi joked, sitting down next to her daughter.

"Just a little," he replied with a smile. "After all, what's wrong with a little fun?"

After breakfast, the three of them decided to enjoy the day outdoors. Gigi suggested a park that she loved to visit with Khai, a quiet place with lots of trees, a lake, and space for the kids to play.

Rafael carried a picnic basket while Khai held his hand, jumping for joy.

"Have you ever had a picnic before, Uncle Rafael?" Khai asked curiously.

"I've had a few, but it's been a while. I think the last one was when I was a kid."

"Then this will be the best one yet!" she said confidently.

When they got to the park, they found a perfect spot in the shade of a large tree. Rafael spread out the blanket on the ground while Gigi helped Khai take the toys out of her backpack.

— Shall we play before we eat? — Khai asked, holding a ball.

— Sure! — Rafael replied, standing up. — What do you want to play?

— Soccer!

Gigi laughed as she watched the two of them running across the lawn. Rafael played slowly, letting Khai drive the ball and score several "goals".

— Gooooool! — Khai shouted, jumping for joy.

— You're a star! — Rafael said, lifting her up in the air.

After playing, the three of them sat down to eat. Gigi opened the basket, revealing sandwiches, fruits and juices that they had prepared earlier.

— This is delicious — Rafael commented, biting into a sandwich.

— Khai helped choose the fruits — Gigi said, looking at her daughter with a smile.

— I chose the best ones! — Khai said proudly.

They ate while talking about simple things, like the flowers in the park and Khai's favorite cartoons. Rafael listened attentively, participating in every moment as if he had been part of the family for years.

"Uncle Rafael, do you like living here with us?" Khai asked suddenly.

He looked at Gigi before answering, smiling.

"I really like it. You two make everything better."

Gigi felt her heart warm at his words, and Khai smiled, pleased.

After lunch, Rafael suggested a pedal boat ride on the lake. Khai loved the idea, and the three of them put on life jackets before getting into the small boat.

"Who's going to pedal?" Rafael asked.

"I want to!" Khai said excitedly.

"So you're the captain. Let's go!"

With Khai at the helm (and Rafael helping discreetly), they crossed the lake, admiring the ducks and fish. Gigi took pictures of the two, delighted with their interaction.

"You're really good with her," Gigi commented as Khai watched the ducks.

— She's amazing. It's easy to like her.

Gigi squeezed Rafael's hand, feeling grateful that he was in their lives.

At the end of the day, they returned home exhausted but happy. Rafael was carrying Khai in his arms, who had fallen asleep in the car. Gigi opened the door, and he took her straight to the bedroom.

"Good night, champion," he whispered, settling her on the bed and covering her with the blanket.

When he returned to the living room, he found Gigi making tea in the kitchen.

"You're perfect with her, you know?" she said, handing him a cup.

"I'm just trying to give back all the good things you've brought to my life."

She smiled, leaning in to kiss him.

"Today was a perfect day."

"And we'll have many more," Rafael promised, holding her by the waist.

The two of them stayed there, hugging each other, enjoying the moment of peace as night fell over Los Angeles.

Chapter 29 – A Special Night

The house was quiet that night. Khai had gone to spend the weekend with Zayn, and Gigi saw this as the perfect opportunity to plan something special with Rafael. In the last few months, their relationship had grown even deeper, and Gigi wanted to surprise him with an unforgettable night.

She spent the day organizing everything: a candlelit dinner, soft music, and a cozy atmosphere. In the garden, she prepared an area with lights hanging between the trees, pillows scattered on the floor, and a small table with wine and desserts. It was simple, but made with great care.

Rafael arrived from training in the afternoon and found Gigi at the top of the stairs, with a mysterious smile on her face. She was wearing an elegant black dress, somewhere between casual and sophisticated, which made it clear that that night would be different.

"What's going on?" he asked, intrigued.

"You'll find out," Gigi replied, pulling him by the hand.

She led him to the dining room, where the table was decorated with candles and flowers. A delicious aroma came from the kitchen, and Rafael smiled, impressed.

"You made all that?"

"I did, but with the help of delivery so as not to take risks in the kitchen," she joked, winking.

Rafael laughed, admiring her attention to detail. He approached, holding her by the waist.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you. Now go take a shower and get ready. I want you to live up to my standards."

"At your service, Mrs. Hadid," he replied, amused, before disappearing upstairs.

When Rafael returned, he was impeccably dressed, wearing a black shirt and jeans that highlighted his physique. Gigi couldn't help but smile as she watched him.

"Now that's it," she said, extending her hand to him.

They sat down at the table, and Gigi began serving dinner.

"You know, you're full of surprises, but today it was my turn to surprise," she commented.

"And you're succeeding." This is amazing, Gigi.

They talked about everything while they ate dinner: trips they wanted to take, childhood memories, and even plans for the future. Rafael was more relaxed than Gigi had ever seen him, and she loved how he opened up to her more and more.

After dinner, Gigi took him to the garden, where the hanging lights created a magical ambiance. Rafael stopped when he saw the scenery, impressed.

"Gigi... This is amazing."

"I wish we could have a moment just for ourselves, away from the world."

She pulled him to sit on the cushions, and they settled side by side, with a bottle of wine between them. Soft music in the background filled the comfortable silence.

"You make me feel at home, no matter where we are," Rafael said, looking into her eyes.

"That's how it should be, isn't it?" Gigi replied, touching his face gently.

He leaned in, capturing her lips in a slow, deep kiss. The world around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them under the stars.

After a few minutes of silence, just enjoying each other's company, Gigi spoke:

— Rafael, I never thought I would find someone like you.

— Like me?

— Someone so strong, but at the same time so gentle. So protective, but who lets me be myself.

He took her hand, intertwining their fingers.

— I never imagined I could have this either. Not after everything I've been through. But with you... it's different.

— Different how? — she asked, curious.

— You give me peace. After years of living in chaos, always on alert, being with you is like breathing for the first time in a long time.

His words touched Gigi deeply, and she realized how much it meant to him.

They continued talking until late, drinking wine and laughing together. At one point, Gigi stood up and held out her hand to him.

— Shall we dance?

— Here?

— Why not?

She put on a slow song, and Rafael held her by the waist while she wrapped her arms around his neck. They both moved smoothly, carried away by the melody and the connection they shared.

"I'm not the best dancer, you know that, right?" he said, laughing.

"You don't have to be. I just want to be close to you."

When they finally entered the house, it was already dawn. Rafael picked Gigi up, making her laugh.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking you upstairs. I thought it was obvious."

"And the garden?" she asked, looking back.

"The garden can wait until tomorrow. Right now, you're my priority."

He took her to the bedroom, where their special night continued, with every moment etched in their memories.

The next morning, Gigi woke up to the first rays of sunlight coming through the window. She looked at Rafael, who was sleeping peacefully next to her, and felt a wave of happiness. She took out her phone and took a picture of him, smiling to herself.

"My world," she whispered, before snuggling back into his arms.

Chapter 30 – Girls' Night Out and a Grand Return

The house was alive with laughter and female voices. Gigi had organized a girls' night out at her new Los Angeles residence, inviting her best friends: Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber, Kylie Jenner, Lauren Perez, and Stassie Karanikolaou.

With Khai spending the weekend with Zayn and Rafael off to the shooting range, it was the perfect time for the girls to get together, relax, and catch up on the latest news from their busy lives.

Downstairs, the mood was relaxed. Wine glasses were scattered around the living room, plates of gourmet appetizers decorated the coffee table, and a pop playlist played in the background.

"You really outdid yourself, Gigi!" Kendall commented, biting into a piece of brie. "This house is amazing."

"Thank you!" I think Los Angeles is exactly what I needed," Gigi replied, sitting next to Hailey.

"And Rafael, where is he?" Kylie asked, with a curious look.

"He went to a shooting range. He wanted to practice a little and said he needed "military time," Gigi replied, imitating his deep tone of voice, which made everyone laugh.

Meanwhile, a few miles away, Rafael was completely focused. He was wearing multicam pants, a tight black shirt that highlighted his muscles, and tactical boots.

On the table in front of him was a carefully disassembled semi-automatic rifle. He adjusted each part with precision, his movements firm and practiced, as if he were on a mission.

"Man, you are an artist," the range instructor commented, watching Rafael with admiration.

Rafael just smiled, focused. He put on his ear protectors, raised the rifle and aimed at the target in the distance. The sequence of shots was fast and accurate, each bullet hitting the center of the target.

After a few hours, Rafael decided to call it a day. He put the rifle in a sturdy black case and holstered his Glock in the holster attached to his waist. He thanked the instructor, gathered his things, and left, eager to return home.

When Rafael entered, the scene was completely different from the one he had left. The room was filled with laughter, music, and excited voices. The women were sitting on the floor, surrounded by pillows and blankets, playing cards and drinking wine.

"Ah, the mystery man is here!" Kendall exclaimed, laughing as he saw him enter.

Rafael, holding the rifle case in one hand and with the Glock visible in the holster, stood in the doorway of the room. He had an imposing presence, and his tactical gear only reinforced that.

"Good evening, girls," he said with a slight smile.

Gigi's friends stopped talking for a moment, clearly impressed.

— Oh my God, Gigi, you didn't warn me he looked like an action movie character — Stassie said, laughing.

"Does he always look like this, or is it just today?" Lauren joked, as she looked at the Glock on Rafael's waist.

Gigi stood up and walked over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How was it at the range?"

"Good. I got a lot of practice. What about you guys? It looks like the party is going well."

"Just talking and wine," she replied, smiling.

Rafael looked at her friends and waved.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you. I'll put this away and leave you guys to it."

"No, no! You should stay," Kylie said, laughing. "You're literally the subject of half our conversations."

Rafael raised an eyebrow, amused.


"Seriously," Hailey insisted. "Gigi talks about you all the time. Besides, now you're here."

Gigi rolled her eyes, laughing.

— You guys are impossible.

Rafael came back after putting away his rifle, still with the Glock in its holster. He sat on the arm of the couch next to Gigi, who seemed happy to have him around. Her friends started asking questions about his life, curious to know more about the man who had conquered Gigi Hadid.

— So, Rafael, what's it like to have such an... intense past? — Kendall asked.

— Intense is a good word to describe it — he replied, with a discreet smile. — But all of this has led me here, so I can't complain.

— And you still practice with weapons, from what we can see — Lauren commented, pointing to the holster.

— It's a hard habit to break. And besides, I like to keep my skills sharp.

— Gigi, he's scary and fascinating at the same time — Stassie joked, provoking laughter.

— He's just fascinating to me — Gigi replied, looking at Rafael fondly.

As the night progressed, the mood became more relaxed. Rafael ended up joining the conversation and winning over Gigi's friends even more with his dry sense of humor and authenticity.

"So, when are we going to plan something as a group?" Hailey asked. "Maybe a trip or something more extreme."

"If it's up to Rafael, it'll be something with adrenaline," Gigi commented.

"I'm in. As long as you can keep up," he said, challenging them with a smile.

The girls laughed, and Gigi shook her head, enjoying the interaction.

When her friends finally started saying goodbye, they all made sure to say goodbye to Rafael too.

"You're an interesting person, Rafael," Kendall said as she left. "I can't wait to see you again."

"See you soon," he replied politely.

After the last friend left, Gigi and Rafael were alone in the living room. She slumped down on the couch and looked at him, exhausted but happy.

"You were a hit with them."

"I did nothing but answer their questions."

"That's what makes you so captivating," she replied, smiling.

Rafael sat down next to her, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"It was a good night."

"It was," Gigi agreed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "With you, it always is."

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